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Schultz sidesteps streetscape snag
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MONROE - With a major act of construction happening Monday on either side of Schultz Pharmacy in Monroe, the business has geared up for its own unique performance to serve its customers.

It's car hopping with your prescriptions.

E&N Hughes Company has scheduled two very different types of work in front of Bob's Pub and Chocolate Temptations on 17th Avenue.

Starting at 6:30 a.m. Monday, sidewalks in front of both businesses are being pulled up. While Irv's Masonry will be in an abandoned coal bin, building a wall to close up the access to Chocolate Temptation's, E&N Hughes' crew will be two doors down putting in a water lateral and hooking it up to Bob's Pub. A tree box also will be installed in front of the pub.

The plan leaves Schultz Pharmacy caught in the middle, but not without an escape plan.

"We will have someone in back by the alley from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday," said Karen Vale, spokesperson for Schultz Pharmacy.

Turn left into the alley off 11th Street at the post office. Customers will find a banner, made especially for the occasion, directing them to the pharmacy's back door in the alley, said Monroe Main Street Director Barb Nelson.

Customers can place a prescription with a Schultz employee and wait while it's filled, or simply pick an order up.

The same route will be open Tuesday, if needed, Vale said.

"You never know with construction," she laughed.

Schultz Pharmacy has begun free pharmaceutical delivery in town during the construction and will continue offering its free mail delivery.

Construction crews stop work at 6 p.m., and Schultz will maintain its policy of staying open until 8 p.m. during the week for customers who wish to park in front of the store.

"It was the best way (to handle the situation) we could think of," Nelson said.

Nelson said the double work spots will keep construction flowing, as workers continue up 17th Avenue to Ekum Abstract.

By the time the water lateral is finished and covered, the coal bin wall should be finished and dry enough to fill in, she said.

Five feet of temporary gravel will level the sidewalk, designating a safe path to walk. No open holes are left overnight.

The day or two of inconvenience is "frustrating for some people, I know, and we appreciate our customers' patience." Vale said. "But it's going to be exciting when it's finished."