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Runaway buggy bumps squad car, no injuries
DARLINGTON - No injuries were reported after an unoccupied buggy hit a Darlington Police Department squad car and five other vehicles in Darlington Wednesday morning.

Officer Steven E. Messner, Darlington, was responding to a report of a runaway horse and buggy on Galena Street. As the horse and buggy entered Main Street, Messner attempted to block the buggy with his squad according to a Lafayette County Sheriff news release. The buggy hit the 2010 Ford Explorer squad causing minor damage. The unoccupied buggy was stopped a short distance from the accident and also sustained minor damage. The buggy overturned and spilled its contents of gasoline and paint in a business parking lot.

The horse and buggy also caused minor damage to five other vehicles. Investigation into the matter found that the horse was tied up about a mile south of the accident. The owner, Elam S. Allgyer, 31, Darlington, told law enforcement something probably spooked the horse and it was able to free itself in its distress. The horse was uninjured.

-Tom Holm