GREEN COUNTY - The "Green County Recall Scott Walker" group, working in conjunction with the statewide recall committee, will hold information sessions on signing recall petitions and will host signing sites beginning Tuesday, Nov. 15.
The petition signing sites will be at the Old New Glarus Town Hall, 206 2nd St., New Glarus; Old Library Park, 18 S. Vine St., Belleville; Veterans' Park, on Wisconsin 11, Brodhead; and outside the library, 1211 17th Ave., and near the old Walmart on W. 8th Street in Monroe.
Hours will vary during the week by site. Signers can bring nonperishable food or household products to donate to local food pantries.
For more information, e-mail or call (608) 325-5688.
The petition signing sites will be at the Old New Glarus Town Hall, 206 2nd St., New Glarus; Old Library Park, 18 S. Vine St., Belleville; Veterans' Park, on Wisconsin 11, Brodhead; and outside the library, 1211 17th Ave., and near the old Walmart on W. 8th Street in Monroe.
Hours will vary during the week by site. Signers can bring nonperishable food or household products to donate to local food pantries.
For more information, e-mail or call (608) 325-5688.