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Pocket park project picks up steam
Louis Scherer

MONROE — Main Street Monroe, working on bringing a downtown park with public restrooms, has made significant progress in both fundraising and city approval efforts. The project, first officially announced in June, has been on Main Street’s radar for several years.

A Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) grant was written by Jordan Nordby, Main Street Monroe’s executive director and Josh Trame, city of Monroe’s parks & Forestry supervisor to secure the property. An anonymous donor covered the remaining cost to purchase the lot on the northeast corner from WI Bank & Trust. The bank in turn, donated its profits to the development of the site. It will include green space for programmed activities and fully ADA-compliant public restrooms that will be open all year during business hours. 

The city’s Historic Preservation Commission approved the design of the park at its July 10 meeting. The design, with a strong emphasis on being a well-defined area as well as fitting into the historic downtown district, will include a beautiful, landscaped garden, a pergola for shade, bike racks, an area for programming, benches and tables for people to take lunch and coffee from downtown restaurants.

Nordby said Main Street is emphasizing that when completed, it will create an outdoor green space to relax, read and socialize with others. 

“We are working on enhancing the overall attractiveness of downtown. This space is absolutely for the public and we know that it will have positive economic development impacts, as well. We are all about maintaining, celebrating, and growing the vibrancy downtown.”

In addition to the Historic Preservation Commission decision, the full city council passed gap funding for the project. This means that the city will provide funds that bridge the financial gap between the money Main Street has already received for the project and the total cost of it. A developer’s agreement will be signed between Main Street Monroe and the city that holds Main Street responsible for covering all costs of the project. As previously announced, no taxpayer dollars are being used on the project. The gap funding will save tens of thousands of dollars compared to a traditional loan. Some gap funding is necessary because Main Street is accepting pledges over a three-year period. 

The total cost of the park and restrooms is $950,000; Main Street has raised approximately $850,000. It is also developing an endowment fund that will be dedicated to programming, park enhancements, and future Main Street projects.

As Main Street looks to secure final donations, they are emphasizing a special segment called “100 People Who Love Monroe.” Families, businesses, and organizations that love the community to make gifts or pledges of $1,000; all names will be listed in a distinct area. People can also make a gift to honor or remember someone special; if someone is honored that name will be listed rather than the donor. Anyone pledging $1,000 will be recognized in a distinct area of the park. Main Street will also be highlighting initial families on its social media pages and in email blasts unless families would prefer not to be. 

In the next few weeks, civil and landscape drawings will be finalized. Nordby stated that the goal is to have a groundbreaking ceremony in either September or October. 

“We are getting so close. It’s phenomenal,” he said. “It’s been very special to hear why people are making donations; whether it’s the literal spot that they have a connection to or love of our community or remembering their parents and family connections to downtown.”

The city will be responsible for maintaining the space, with annual maintenance being absorbed into the existing operating expenses of the Parks & Recreation Department. When the project goes to bid, it is expected that local companies will be a part of the project. Nordby stated that he’s had conversations with key companies in the area about being a part of it. 

To make a gift or for more information, contact Jordan Nordby, Main Street Executive Director at or 608-328-4023.