MONROE - The Green County Humane Society (GCHS) continues to make a profit in 2008.
Treasurer Paul Barrett told the board Wednesday the shelter took in about $22,700 and spent $17,800 in March. Since the beginning of the year the GCHS has a profit of about $9,800.
So far, in 2008, the GCHS has received about $17,700 in donations from the public.
The board also learned that 14 of the 20 dogs confiscated from a residence near Juda in February have been adopted. Shelter director Tonya Kelly told the board there are three applications for adoption for the remaining dogs.
There are still 38 dogs and around 90 cats available for adoption at the shelter, Kelly added.
In March the shelter took in 32 dogs and adopted out 43. It took in 15 cats and adopted out 22.
In other business, the board discussed its annual meeting, scheduled for 6 p.m. May 1 at Ludlow Mansion in Monroe.
The meeting begins with a social gathering and time for members to renew their memberships and new people to sign up to be members of the GCHS. A short business meeting will follow.
Five directors, Chris Soukup, Sue Curran, Sherri Fiduccia, Tracey Pederson and Mick McClain are up for election. No other names were submitted for election by the March 17 deadline.
More information about the event is available at 328-4420.
Humane society funds are not being used for the annual meeting.
Treasurer Paul Barrett told the board Wednesday the shelter took in about $22,700 and spent $17,800 in March. Since the beginning of the year the GCHS has a profit of about $9,800.
So far, in 2008, the GCHS has received about $17,700 in donations from the public.
The board also learned that 14 of the 20 dogs confiscated from a residence near Juda in February have been adopted. Shelter director Tonya Kelly told the board there are three applications for adoption for the remaining dogs.
There are still 38 dogs and around 90 cats available for adoption at the shelter, Kelly added.
In March the shelter took in 32 dogs and adopted out 43. It took in 15 cats and adopted out 22.
In other business, the board discussed its annual meeting, scheduled for 6 p.m. May 1 at Ludlow Mansion in Monroe.
The meeting begins with a social gathering and time for members to renew their memberships and new people to sign up to be members of the GCHS. A short business meeting will follow.
Five directors, Chris Soukup, Sue Curran, Sherri Fiduccia, Tracey Pederson and Mick McClain are up for election. No other names were submitted for election by the March 17 deadline.
More information about the event is available at 328-4420.
Humane society funds are not being used for the annual meeting.