Memorial Day Parade Squads
Squad 1: Dennis Swank, Elva Hermanson, Ernie Steinmann, BSA Troop 101, GSA Troop 217, GSA Troop 265
Squad 2: Neal Schwartz, Mike Furgal, Marian Furgal, Cindi Schwartz, BSA Troop 180, GSA Troop 204
Squad 3: Donna Douglas, Ernie Gebhardt Jr., Don Jacobson, Joyce Steinmann, Roger Wuthrich, BSA Troop 115, GSA Troop 235
Squad 3A: Ken Gratz, James Dahman, Lorraine Schumacher, BSA Troop 115, GSA Troop 223, BSA TROOP 114
Squad 3B: Charles Soddy, Jerry Boelke, Susan Boelke, Le Ann Anderson, Dean Anderson, BSA Troop 115, GSA Troop 193
Squad 4: Jeff Gibbons, Jane Gibbons, BSA Troop 101, GSA Troop 208
Squad 5: Bill Schwaiger, Roger Zimmerman, Jean Zimmerman, BSA Troop 180, GSA Troop 206
Squad 6: Herb Baumgartner, Bev Stuckey, Jeff Perkins, Cindi LaMunion, Karen Kennison, BSA Troop 115, GSA Troop 235
Squad 7: Greg Schmitz, John Daehlin, BSA Troop 101, GSA Troop 225, GSA Troop 278
Squad 8: Wayne Huston, Chuck Drnek, Fritz Wenger, Rosie Wenger, BSA Troop 180, GSA Troop 204
Squad 9: Alvie Riese, Marty Betts, Susan Betts, Carla Pederson, Marian Furgal, BSA Troop 101, GSA Troop 203
Squad 10: Tim Dillon, Ada Swanton, BSA Troop 101, GSA Troop 213, BSA Troop 112
Squad 11: Katie Grossman, Jo Ann Schwitz, Sandy Groom, BSA Troop 101, GSA Troop 228
Squad 13: Bill Haffelle, Jan Perry, Rosemarye Showers, BSA Troop 101, GSA Troop 229, GSA Troop 222
Squad 14: Geroge Schutte, Robert Koch, Todd Kint, BSA Troop 180, GSA Troop 250
At 6 a.m., flags will be risen on the "Avenue of Flags."
At 7 a.m., members of the American Legion and VFW squads will gather at the monument at Greenwood Cemetery to decorate each veteran's grave with memorial wreaths.
At 8 a.m., there will be coffee and donuts at the VFW.
Monroe's Memorial Day parade will take place at 9 a.m. The parade commences at Recreation Park and will proceed to Greenwood Cemetery. Parade participants should assemble at 8:30 a.m. at Recreation Park.
American Legion Commander Charles Drnek will give introductions.
Pastor Dan Krahenbuhl will give the invocation, followed by "Logan's Orders" by Abigal Kagel and the Gettysburg Address by Jaden Lisser.
The Monroe High School Band, directed by Dan Henkel, will be in charge of musical selections.
Orson Robertson Jr. will give the Memorial Day address, followed by roll call of deceased veterans of Green County by John Daehlin.
The placing of wreaths will be done by Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadet and Senior Girl Scouts; Cub and Boy Scouts; Louella Derrico, American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Princess; the Junior Unit of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 84; Ernie Gebhardt and Dustin Burkhalter, Sons of the American Legion Post 84 and Advisor; Pat Sanders, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 84 president, and Sheryl Tschudy, Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary Unit 2312 president; and Charles Drnek, American Legion Post 84 commander, and Jeff Perkins, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2312 commander.
There will be a firing squad by the American Legion and VFW.
The Memorial Day service will conclude with "Taps" played by the Monroe High School Band and the benediction by Pastor Dan Krahenbuhl.