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Monroe schools adding a translator
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MONROE - The Monroe school district is hiring an additional Spanish Interpreter/English Language Learning aide to serve an increasing number of non-native English-speaking students.

The school board unanimously approved the position, expected to cost $43,000 per year for salary and benefits, Monday.

The district currently employs two full-time ELL teachers, one for elementary schools and one for the middle and highs, one translator and one aide who works 27 hours per week. The new position will be based at Parkside Elementary School, but will provide support for the other elementary schools.

The majority of students requiring ELL services are Spanish speaking, Parkside Principal Jim Brunette said. As of Monday, students at the school needing services by grade level were:

• Early Childhood: One Polish, three Spanish

• Kindergarten: Six Spanish, one Russian

• First grade: Six Spanish, one Polish, one Arabic, one Chinese, one Albanian

• Second grade: Four Spanish, one Polish

• Third grade: Three Spanish

• Fourth grade: Three Spanish, one Vietnamese, one Chinese

• Fifth grade: Six Spanish

In determining services needed, students are ranked from Level 1, meaning they know almost no English, to Level 6, which means they can function in a regular classroom with little assistance. The majority of students in the program are at Level 3 and below, Brunette said.

Even as children increase their knowledge of the English language, translation is needed to communicate with parents, Brunette said.

Brunette said the position is needed to make sure students are getting the support they need.

"Both these translators will be very busy," he said. The new position "will be maxed out from Day 1."