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Monroe debates fire district option
Committee to consider all fire dept. options
Monroe Fire Department

MONROE — Amid an ongoing search for a new fire chief, Monroe Mayor Donna Douglas called on the city council to create an ad-hoc committee to discuss broader issues within the fire department; and whether to pursue creating a regional fire district with other communities.

The four-member committee, whose members will be appointed by the mayor, will discuss all issues related to “the structure and operations of the fire department.” The vote to create the committee was unanimous. No announcement had been made at press time regarding appointees to the committee. 

The committee will meet for the first time at 5:45 p.m. Monday. Other potential changes officials should consider include contracting out all city fire services or going to a full-time department instead of the volunteer agency that it currently is.

“Hopefully we can move forward in a positive way to resolve our issues,” said Douglas, who added she and other officials are “frustrated” by lingering issues with the fire department and the public safety implications of those.

At the same time, the city Police and Fire Commission is separately continuing to look for a new chief. Following a six-month long search, Monroe’s most recent chief, William Erb of Iowa, abruptly resigned from his new post on Monday, April 11 — just three months and one day after taking the job. 

According to PFC Chair Charles Koch, the reason for the abrupt resignation of the newest Monroe chief “was directly related to the turmoil in the fire department.”

Hiring for the chief’s job is the role of the police and fire commission, and some officials have complained about the pace of their effort — currently more than eight months, two more than Erb’s search  — and the cost to find a replacement chief, which is financed by the city. 

“I’d like to see this resolved, if we can, within the next six months,” said Douglas.

Others on the council agreed and urged officials to quickly solve the issues — those related to both the structure of the department and its leadership.

“What we currently have is not working,” said Ald. Chris Schindler. “It’s a safety issue … we need to do something to change this … and if we don’t do something someone will die.”

Ald. Andrew Kranig said he supports the idea of exploring creation of a municipal fire district, noting that the rural Monroe fire district recently separated from Monroe and has no problem getting enough firefighters to staff the department.

“We have a new, $1.5 million ladder truck that’s coming down our pipeline … many municipalities around here would maybe want to piggyback with us on that,” said Kranig. 

Al Rufer has served as interim chief twice. Daryl Rausch was chief for 11 years, leaving in 2016. Lane Heins was the interim chief until Dan Smits was hired, eventually serving for four years, ending in August 2021. Rufer took over as interim a year ago until Erb began, and then again after Erb’s abrupt resignation. 

Once a new chief is hired, it will be the sixth person in charge of the department in seven years. There is currently no offer out to any chief candidates, said Attorney Dan Bartholf, although the PFC was scheduled to meet last week.

“I think regardless of what the PFC may do … the council needs to move forward to making plans for the future,” said Ald. Mary Jane Grenzow, adding that she also supports the idea of focusing on creating a “unified” fire department. “That would be the best way to protect our citizens.”