NEW GLARUS - The Green County Master Gardeners will be touring one of their own projects, the New Glarus School gardens at 7 p.m. Thursday at New Glarus Schools, 1420 2nd St., New Glarus.
The garden features raised beds and growing plots for varieties of produce. The school garden is a joint effort between the school, Master Gardeners and local volunteers. The planting process usually involves elementary summer school classes, who also help nurture and weed the plants. As the growing procedure progresses, the produce is harvested for use in the local community.
The Green County Wisconsin Master Gardeners Association was formed in Green County in 2004 to provide Master Gardeners with opportunities for professional development and community service. Master Gardener volunteers help provide beauty and growth in communities for flower, plant and vegetative areas.
Marilyn Sandin-Ross, GCMGA president, leads the association that meets on the fourth Thursday of the month from February through October. Anyone interested in horticulture and gardening is welcome to join the association and one does not have to be a Master Gardener to be a member or to attend. For more information on the UW-Extension Master Gardener program, contact agriculture agent Mark Mayer at 608-328-9440.
The garden features raised beds and growing plots for varieties of produce. The school garden is a joint effort between the school, Master Gardeners and local volunteers. The planting process usually involves elementary summer school classes, who also help nurture and weed the plants. As the growing procedure progresses, the produce is harvested for use in the local community.
The Green County Wisconsin Master Gardeners Association was formed in Green County in 2004 to provide Master Gardeners with opportunities for professional development and community service. Master Gardener volunteers help provide beauty and growth in communities for flower, plant and vegetative areas.
Marilyn Sandin-Ross, GCMGA president, leads the association that meets on the fourth Thursday of the month from February through October. Anyone interested in horticulture and gardening is welcome to join the association and one does not have to be a Master Gardener to be a member or to attend. For more information on the UW-Extension Master Gardener program, contact agriculture agent Mark Mayer at 608-328-9440.