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Many ways to participate in the Green County Fair
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The Green County Fair, coming up July 22-26, offers several opportunities for residents of Green County to participate. Have you ever noticed how much more fun it is to be a participant, rather than an observer?

There are things you can start working on right now. How about exhibiting in the Open Class? From the very first fair in 1853, adults have been competing for ribbons and cash prizes. Early competition included farm produce and craftsmen entries from tin shops, blacksmiths, shoemakers and even coffinmakers. Although the opportunities for exhibiting have changed somewhat, the fair still offers a showcase for you to exhibit proudly and show off your talents.

Exhibits include cheese, garden/farm produce, honey maple syrup, flowers, cultural arts, photography, woodworking, food preservation, clothing, knitting/crocheting, home furnishings; and, of course, dairy animals. Some of the divisions even include special classes for those 62 and older.

If you are interested in being an open class exhibitor, fair books and pre-entry forms are available at local banks and at the Green County Fair Office. Also new this year is the availability of the fair book and entry forms online at Pre-entry forms and your entry fee are due to the Fair Office no later than 4 p.m., July 3.

Youth exhibitors joined fair competition in 1867 and continue today to exhibit through organized clubs with adult leadership - namely 4-H and FFA. Their entries are handled through the leadership of their clubs. 4-H Clubs also have the opportunity to help promote the Green County Fair. Each club can make a road sign that gives travelers information about the Green County Fair. For specific information on this promotion activity and to register your entry, contact the Green County Extension Office.

How about donating a tree? Through age, storm damage and disease, we have lost a number of the trees that have adorned the fairgrounds. It's now time to replace them. You can make a monetary donation and the Fair Board will purchase and plant the tree. Tree prices are based on the local availability of trees at the time of purchase. Or, you can purchase your own tree, but your selection must meet the criteria set up for donated trees by the board. All trees donated will be planted in areas chosen by the Fair Board. Contact the Fair Office if you would like to donate or would like more information.

Remember also, many local groups have stands at the fair to raise money toward their charitable donations to the community. Many volunteers are needed to man these stands during the fair. If you would like to help, contact the organizations directly and let them know you would like to volunteer.

See you at the 2009 Green County Fair!