MONROE - If anyone wants to have some fun down on the farm this summer, they need go no further than downtown Monroe.
Main Street Monroe's summer theme for 2013 and 2014 will be Farmin' on the Square, a two-year effort leading into the 100th anniversary of Green County Cheese Days.
"It's a natural fit with agriculture and cheese," said Amy Brandt, executive director of Main Street Monroe.
"One idea we have is to make it an educational experience, and we hope to partner with organizations like FFA and 4-H," Brandt said.
Main Street will be pulling together leaders from ag-related businesses and agencies, University of Wisconsin-Extension, farms, service clubs and the Farm Bureau for their expertise, backgrounds and ideas to enrich the summer farming experience and accompanying events.
A couple ideas already in the planning stage are a garden of local crops, vegetables and flowers to fill an empty lot, and an outdoor stage for cooking demonstrations.
Noted for its wooden carvings on the Square depicting annual themes the past two year - a zoo and the pirates - Main Street this year intends to feature colorful, life-sized and larger animals and farm props created by local artist Zoli. Visitors to the Square should also look for some carved baby animals.
More than 15 fiberglass farm animals painted by local artists are also being planned.
The two-year timeframe gives the organization a chance to grow the event, Brandt said, and decorations will spill out of the Square's center onto side streets.
The organization is planning for each side of the Square to encompass a specific aspect of agriculture: The barnyard, the dairy, the ranch and farm-to-table.
"Of course, we have a wish list of items that we are hoping to have donated for Farmin' on the Square," Brandt said. "A few of the items (are)... chicken wire, milk cans, white picket fence, windmill and a rolling cart."
Main Street Monroe's summer theme for 2013 and 2014 will be Farmin' on the Square, a two-year effort leading into the 100th anniversary of Green County Cheese Days.
"It's a natural fit with agriculture and cheese," said Amy Brandt, executive director of Main Street Monroe.
"One idea we have is to make it an educational experience, and we hope to partner with organizations like FFA and 4-H," Brandt said.
Main Street will be pulling together leaders from ag-related businesses and agencies, University of Wisconsin-Extension, farms, service clubs and the Farm Bureau for their expertise, backgrounds and ideas to enrich the summer farming experience and accompanying events.
A couple ideas already in the planning stage are a garden of local crops, vegetables and flowers to fill an empty lot, and an outdoor stage for cooking demonstrations.
Noted for its wooden carvings on the Square depicting annual themes the past two year - a zoo and the pirates - Main Street this year intends to feature colorful, life-sized and larger animals and farm props created by local artist Zoli. Visitors to the Square should also look for some carved baby animals.
More than 15 fiberglass farm animals painted by local artists are also being planned.
The two-year timeframe gives the organization a chance to grow the event, Brandt said, and decorations will spill out of the Square's center onto side streets.
The organization is planning for each side of the Square to encompass a specific aspect of agriculture: The barnyard, the dairy, the ranch and farm-to-table.
"Of course, we have a wish list of items that we are hoping to have donated for Farmin' on the Square," Brandt said. "A few of the items (are)... chicken wire, milk cans, white picket fence, windmill and a rolling cart."