MONROE - In the works for about 18 months, the "Historic Downtown Monroe Design Guidelines" booklet is ready for its public hearing, as is the establishment of a Monroe Historic District.
The guideline covers a multitude of items to be considered in any rehabilitation work done to buildings in the district, which lies between 15th and 18th avenues and Ninth and 13th streets.
"We're not trying to prevent people from doing things; we want to help them do them better," said Dr. David Riese, commission chairman.
The public hearing will be set for July 15, the next normal meeting date of the commission. City Clerk Carol Stamm will contact property owners within the proposed historic district and those within 200 feet of the district to notify them of the meeting.
A copy of the guidelines will be available at the Monroe Main Street office for preview.
The guideline covers a multitude of items to be considered in any rehabilitation work done to buildings in the district, which lies between 15th and 18th avenues and Ninth and 13th streets.
"We're not trying to prevent people from doing things; we want to help them do them better," said Dr. David Riese, commission chairman.
The public hearing will be set for July 15, the next normal meeting date of the commission. City Clerk Carol Stamm will contact property owners within the proposed historic district and those within 200 feet of the district to notify them of the meeting.
A copy of the guidelines will be available at the Monroe Main Street office for preview.