MONROE - Handicapped parking spots in downtown Monroe will be temporary marked until permanent signs can be erected next spring.
Mayor Ron Marsh said people have been calling City Hall about handicapped parking spaces on the Square.
Signs for those spaces will be identified by signs affixed to poles.
At a meeting Monday, the City of Monroe Public Safety Committee reviewed the latest mapping for signs in the downtown Square area. Handicapped parking spaces were identified, many in the middle of the block around the Square.
Under Wisconsin statutes, signs must be erected in order to enforce the law, according to Police Chief Fred Kelley.
The committee directed Kelley, Street Department Supervisor Tom Boll, Director of Public Works Kelly Finkenbinder and engineer Ryan Wilson from Fehr-Graham & Associates with determining requirements for other signs needed around the Square and in blocks just off the Square.
- Tree Dunlap
Mayor Ron Marsh said people have been calling City Hall about handicapped parking spaces on the Square.
Signs for those spaces will be identified by signs affixed to poles.
At a meeting Monday, the City of Monroe Public Safety Committee reviewed the latest mapping for signs in the downtown Square area. Handicapped parking spaces were identified, many in the middle of the block around the Square.
Under Wisconsin statutes, signs must be erected in order to enforce the law, according to Police Chief Fred Kelley.
The committee directed Kelley, Street Department Supervisor Tom Boll, Director of Public Works Kelly Finkenbinder and engineer Ryan Wilson from Fehr-Graham & Associates with determining requirements for other signs needed around the Square and in blocks just off the Square.
- Tree Dunlap