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Green County Sheriff
Police Blotter

On April 25:

● At 2:13 p.m., Deputies responded to the N4300 block of State Highway 104, in the Town of Decatur, for a two-vehicle crash. Investigation revealed that a vehicle operated by Jonathan M. Garcia, 41 of Orfordville, was turning southbound onto State Highway 104 from Borchardt Road, when he was struck by another vehicle traveling southbound, operated by Joshua J. Pocklington,34 of Fitchburg. Garcia reported no injuries, was wearing his seatbelt, and the airbags did not deploy. Pocklington reported non-life-threatening injuries, was wearing his seatbelt, and his airbags deployed. Both vehicles sustained disabling damage and were towed from the scene. Investigation resulted in Garcia being cited for Operate Motor Vehicle Without Insurance. Garcia was released pending court. 

On April 27:

● At 8:40 p.m., Deputies responded to the N8100 block of CTH J, in the Town of York, for a single vehicle crash with no injury. The driver, Iris N. Saez, 57, of Freeport, advised she was traveling southbound when she left the roadway, entered the west ditch, where she struck a culvert and then came to a rest in the yard of a nearby residence.   Saez advised she was uninjured and wearing her seatbelt.  Saez’s vehicle sustained disabling damage, with no airbag deployment, and was towed from the scene. The investigation resulted in Saez being placed under arrest for Operating While under the Influence (first offense) and cited for Operating with a Prohibited Alcohol Concentration (first offense).  Saez was later released to a responsible party pending court.

On April 28:

● At 2:58 a.m., Deputies conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for a moving violation in the 2000 block of STH 69, in the City of Monroe.  The investigation resulted in the driver, Omar Acatzihua Galvez, 20, of Freeport, being placed under arrest for Operating While under the Influence.  Acatzihua Galvez was additionally cited for Unsafe Lane Deviation, Operating with a Prohibited Alcohol Concentration (greater than .15), Operating without a Valid Driver’s License, and Possession of Open Intoxicants.  Acatzihua Galvez was later released to a responsible party pending court.

On April 29:

● At 7:33 a.m., Deputies responded to the N9600 block of Argue Road, in the Town of Exeter, for a single vehicle crash. Investigation revealed that a vehicle operated by Cecelia A.F. Johnson, 25 of Monroe, was traveling northbound when the vehicle left the roadway and entered the east ditch. The vehicle then reentered the roadway before coming to rest. Johnson reported non-life-threatening injuries, was wearing her seatbelt, and the airbags deployed. The vehicle sustained disabling damage and was towed from the scene.

● At 10:45 a.m., Deputies responded to the 2800 block of 6th Street, in the City of Monroe, to assist Department of Corrections Agents. Investigation resulted in Bradley J. Rear, 61 of Monroe, being arrested for a Probation Violation. Rear was incarcerated at the Green County Jail pending court.

On April 30:

● At 1:52 a.m., Deputies conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for a speed violation in the W5100 block of State Highway 11, in the Town of Monroe. Investigation resulted in the operator, Jose A. Munoz, 31 of Sacramento, being cited for Operate Without Commercial Vehicle License (Traffic Crime). Munoz was also cited for speeding. Munoz was released pending court.

On May 1:

● At 8:11 p.m., Deputies responded to the N4800 block of STH 104, in the Town of Decatur, for a two vehicle crash with unknown injuries.  The investigation found that Bryce E. Laube, 31, of Davis, was traveling southbound when he struck an unoccupied vehicle parked on the west shoulder.   Laube then overturned and came to a rest in the roadway.  Laube advised that he was uninjured and wearing his seatbelt.  Laube’s vehicle sustained disabling damage with full airbag deployment.  Both vehicles were later towed from the scene. 

● At 10:50 p.m., Deputies conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for unsafely towing a disabled vehicle in the W4800 block of STH 11, in the Town of Sylvester.  The investigation resulted in the occupant of the disabled vehicle, Zepeda Morales Brean Willibaldo, 31, of Chicago, being cited for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.  Willibaldo was released pending court.

On May 4, 

● At 10:11 p.m., Deputies along with the Juda Fire Department responded to the W4200 block of County Highway KS, in the Town of Jefferson, for the report of a vehicle fire. Investigation revealed that a vehicle operated by Codie D.W. Mau, 27 of Monroe, was traveling eastbound when his vehicle sustained a mechanical issue. The vehicle then came to rest in the eastbound lane and the engine compartment ignited and became fully engulfed. Mau reported no injuries, was wearing his seatbelt, and the airbags did not deploy. The vehicle sustained disabling damage and was towed from the scene.