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Green County EMS to hold annual hazardous weather spotting class
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ALBANY - Green County Emergency Management is having the annual hazardous weather-tornado spotters training at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 8 at the Albany Lions Club, 402 N. Cincinnati St.

The training class is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about hazardous weather. The class will be taught by Rusty Kapela, warning coordination meteorologist with the National Weather Service, and is about two hours long.

Several webinars, led by Kapela, are offered this year and it is preferred that first responders and businesses attend these. The webinars will be held at 1 and 7 p.m. Monday, March 5 and at 1 p.m. Tuesday, March 6 at the Monroe Fire Station No. 1, 601 West 17th St., Monroe. These webinars will be similar to the ones Kapela will do in person and are about two hours long.

To register for any of these classes, call Green County Emergency Management at (608) 328-9470 by March 5.