Seven of the 31 races are contested, as many as County Clerk Mike Doyle can remember at the same time.
Starting today, the Times will present profiles of the candidates in the contested races. Today's profiles are on candidates in contested races in Districts 4, 6, 11 and 16.
In District 4, which consists of Ward 4 in the city of Monroe, two new candidates, Randall Iverson and John A. Frantz, seek to replace Dave Rufenacht, who chose not to seek re-election.
Age: >85
Occupation: >Physician
Lived in district: >53 years
Offices held: >Monroe City Health Officer, Monroe Plan Committee, Green County Health Committee
Volunteer positions: >Board of Directors of Renew Wisconsin, Monroe Main Street Organizational Committee
1. Why are you running? >
Because I think mankind is in for some big changes. They say, think globally, act locally - I'm acting locally. It's obvious to me that global warming is coming; I've known that ever since I went to college. The years 2050 to 2100 is the point of no return (for ice caps melting). It's time to move.
2. What is the most pressing issue facing the county and what are your plans to address it? >
Since I started running for office, I've found out the public's issue is the courthouse. It's probably too late to change that, but not too late to modify the building, to make it energy efficient. We could reopen the issue about when or where we put the county courthouse.
The other idea is to modify taxes. One thing, we could postpone output of new machinery, as more (energy) efficient ones are about to be designed. We could stock pile our money to buy the new stuff.
3. Why should people vote for you over your opponent? >
I've been around since 1955. I served on the Green County Board in 1993-95, and I've been a city alderman three terms between 1995-2005. I'm knowledgeable about science and technology. I taught medicine in Afghanistan in 1968-70; and I'm a lifetime member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The county needs someone with that kind of knowledge in case we have to wake up within the next two years.
4. What is your stance on residential and commercial/industrial development? >
I think we should promote residential compact growth, so people can walk to the grocery and do local errands on foot. My wife and I have used bikes for transportation our entire lives. And we need to avoid urban sprawl. Another thing is to promote local businesses, like foods. I support the Farmer's Market. People eat too much manufactured foods. I know it's cheaper, but not nearly as healthy.
5. What is your particular area of expertise or interest in county government? >
I'm particularly interested in public health. It's much more cost effective to deal with public health preventatives than with curative methods. I'm also interested in and well-informed about agriculture, and agriculture on the world level.
Age: >60
Occupation: >Executive director of technical services, Swiss Colony
Lived in district: >29 years
Offices held: >None
Volunteer positions: >President of Monroe Kiwanis
1. Why are you running? >
At the time, (David H.) Rufenacht wasn't seeking re-election, and I was asked by a couple of people to run.
2. What is the most pressing issue facing the county and what are your plans to address it? >
The most pressing is the Justice Center. I think we should review the entire plan, including the funding. In general, I think there's not enough cooperation between the county and the city.
3. Why should people vote for you over your opponent? >
I have a long-term managerial background that I think would be appropriate for the county. I have good technical background for those arenas, mostly in computers.
4. What is your stance on residential and commercial/industrial development? >
I believe we need both, industrial and residential. I think we need to grow, but at a reasonable pace.
5. What is your particular area of expertise or interest in county government? >
I'm interested in disaster, and have been involved in the county with disaster recovery. I am also interested in the recreational facilities, the Tri-County Trail and Badger State Trail.