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Green County Board: August 12, 2008
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On Tuesday, Aug. 12, the Green County Board of Supervisors:

• Authorized Green County Landfill to purchase a compactor for $109,170 to compact garbage at the landfill. The landfill has used a bailer for 25 years, but it's more efficient to use a compactor. Landfill manager Jim Hunkins said the wire used to bail garbage costs the county about $20,000 a year, up from about $2,000 when the bailer was bought. He said the compactor will pay for itself in five years.

• Hired Cleary Building Corp. to build a pole shed at the Green County Highway Department for $108,195. Green County Highway Commissioner Dallas Cecil said the highway department estimated the cost of a shed to be about $135,000. He said the department will be able to store equipment in the building, which will be 288 feet long and 40 feet wide. Some highway equipment is now stored outside or at the Pleasant View Complex. Cecil said this will centralize the county's equipment.

• Accepted a state grant of $12,500 for tourism promotion. The grant money was made available after flooding damaged several counties in Wisconsin over the summer. The money will be used to attract tourists to counties that had flood damage.

• Declared a state of emergency for the county. State statutes require the county board to pass the resolution in order to be eligible for state assistance. Green County Corporation Counsel Bill Morgan told the board he didn't know if the county would receive any more assistance from the state, but the resolution was needed to make it possible.

• Adopted a resolution in support of nursing home funding. Wisconsin counties have asked the state to provide more financial support to all county nursing homes by providing more federal money rather than using it for other purposes.

• Approved farmland preservation agreements for James and Kathryn Watson, Monroe township; Gary and Joanne Lien, Brooklyn township; Randall and Pam Wyss, Clarno and Jefferson townships; Brian Duerst, Exeter and New Glarus townships; and Margaret Eastham, New Glarus township.