MONROE - The Monroe school board approved a modest increase Monday to school food and milk prices for next year.
Lunches will cost an extra $0.10 across the district during the 2016-17 school year. That brings the cost to $2.50 at the elementary schools, $2.75 at the middle school and $2.95 at the high school. At $3.65, adult lunches will also cost a dime more than this year.
Milk will be $0.50 next year at all school buildings, up from $0.45 this year.
Breakfasts will cost $1.40 next year at the elementary level, a $0.10 increase, and $1.50 at the middle school, a $0.05 increase. There will be no increase to the cost of breakfast at the high school.
Eric Ekum, the district's director of food services, recommended the new prices because of increasing food prices and the need to replace some pieces of equipment.
- Susan Endres
Lunches will cost an extra $0.10 across the district during the 2016-17 school year. That brings the cost to $2.50 at the elementary schools, $2.75 at the middle school and $2.95 at the high school. At $3.65, adult lunches will also cost a dime more than this year.
Milk will be $0.50 next year at all school buildings, up from $0.45 this year.
Breakfasts will cost $1.40 next year at the elementary level, a $0.10 increase, and $1.50 at the middle school, a $0.05 increase. There will be no increase to the cost of breakfast at the high school.
Eric Ekum, the district's director of food services, recommended the new prices because of increasing food prices and the need to replace some pieces of equipment.
- Susan Endres