DARLINGTON - The University of Wisconsin-Extension is offering a webinar from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 14 at the Lafayette County Courthouse, 626 Main St.
The program is titled "Renting Farm Land" and will begin with statewide rental issues and conclude with a discussion of local land rental questions from Lafayette County.
Workshop topics include land values and lease concepts; a discussion on how land prices are changing around the state and what is driving the increases in land rent; corn and bean economics for 2012; pros and cons of risk sharing - variable cash leases; and lease contracts and legal concerns.
Registration, which covers program expenses, is $5 per person and can be paid at the door. To pre-register, contact the Lafayette County Extension Office at (608) 776-4820.
The program is titled "Renting Farm Land" and will begin with statewide rental issues and conclude with a discussion of local land rental questions from Lafayette County.
Workshop topics include land values and lease concepts; a discussion on how land prices are changing around the state and what is driving the increases in land rent; corn and bean economics for 2012; pros and cons of risk sharing - variable cash leases; and lease contracts and legal concerns.
Registration, which covers program expenses, is $5 per person and can be paid at the door. To pre-register, contact the Lafayette County Extension Office at (608) 776-4820.