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District Improvement Plan: Monroe School District
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"Taking Responsibility for All Students">

Goal 1: 90% of students will score advanced or proficient on the WKCE and all students will show progress as measured by student performance indicators (i.e. WKCE, MAP)>

Objective 1: >Improve Curriculum and Access to the Curriculum for all students

Action Steps:>

• Increase the percentage of special education students that access the core curriculum

• Update and revise all curriculum for grades 6-12 in Eclipse by June 2009

• Update and revise all curriculum for grades PK-5 in Eclipse by June 2010

• Revamp grades 7-12 English and K-12 Social Studies curriculum and implement new curriculum during the 2009-10 school year

• Begin establishing essential understandings in PK-8

• Evaluate and revise summer school curriculum where needed

• Pilot Houghton Mifflin for 4K and Early Childhood

• Review, develop, and implement a plan for GT services/programs in the district

• Expand offerings for AP and accelerated course work

• Evaluate Virtual School curriculum

• Evaluate Alternative Charter School curriculum and programming

• Develop and implement a district-wide philosophy for access to educational resources for all students (i.e. Virtual School classes for non-virtual school students)

• Introduce staff to 21st Century Learning Skills

• Research social curricula (i.e. FISH, TRIBES)

Objective 2: >Improve Instructional Practices

Action Steps:>

• Develop comprehensive plan for high quality professional development for all teachers

- Provide on-going reading professional development to all K-5 reading teachers (instructional facilitator)

- Provide professional development in reading and writing to all MS teachers (Mike Flanagan)

- Focus in-services on meeting the needs of all students (i.e. GT, at-risk, special needs)

• Teachers must collaborate with other teachers regarding instructional practices at least twice per year (i.e. PLC structure, Peer Observations)

• Review, revise and implement new observation/evaluation instrument and require teachers to use it as a reflective tool

• Develop a plan for working with struggling teachers and master teachers

• Review and revise mentor/mentee program

Objective 3: >Continue Implementation of a District-wide Intervention System

Action Steps:

• Principals and staff will revise building level intervention plans

• Continue development of Dibels data collection process

• Develop, implement and manage a Progress Monitoring System (need more staff to do this)

• Train all staff in Eclipse Data software so they can monitor student progress

• Provide structured curriculum for double-dose time

• Collect and analyze data regarding the effectiveness of interventions

• Develop a resource map in each building in the district

• Principals and staff will revise the problem solving "Intervention Team" model to develop more consistency across the district

• Provide on-going professional development on RTI (i.e Batsche, Hartwig)

• Develop RTI plan for GT

• Develop RTI manual for district

• Develop RTI plan for behavioral issues/needs

• Develop comprehensive MS and HS intervention plans

Objective 4: >Revamp assessment and grading practices

Action Steps:

• Provide professional development on assessment and grading practices and their effect on student achievement (Guskey - August 2008)

• Develop key questions and a follow-up plan for Guskey workshop

• Develop a plan for revamping assessment and grading practices

Objective 5: >Improve Instructional Leadership

Action Steps:

• Identify and develop a plan to utilize instructional leaders in the district

• Develop a plan to increase the focus of administrators on instructional leadership

• Develop PICs (Professional Improvement Committees)

- Visit high quality school districts

- Discuss what great schools do well

Goal 2: Demonstrate effective fiscal responsibility by utilizing sound budgeting strategies and by using sound fiscal management to annually bring the District Fund 10 budget in at or better than budgeted amounts.>

Objective 1: >Effective Budget Development and Management

Action Steps:

• Develop a District Operations Calendar

• Annually update District's 5-year long-term maintenance schedule

• Schedule Board walk-through of District facilities

• Build back and maintain a minimum of a 10% Fund 10 fund balance

• Create ongoing priority list of items for consideration for addition to District budget should funding allow

• Continue implementation of Bidding/RFP process

• Establish a bid/RFP cycle

• Formulate a plan for beginning to address District's Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) obligations

Objective 2: >On-going Referenda Planning and Management

Action Steps:

• On-going management to maximize value of referendum authority

• Discuss current referendum status and likelihood of future referendum as part of all budget discussions

• Continuous forethought as to impact of major decisions on future referenda

Goal 3: Revise and implement the District's Community Relations Plan that creates and maintains a positive image that reflects the communities expectations of our schools.>

Objective 1: >Create effective communication tools that develop open channels of communication between the home, community and schools; keep all constituents informed of the financial and academic business of the district.

Action Steps (See Community Relations Plan):

• Develop a plan for collecting feedback from stakeholders (i.e. alumni survey, parent survey, focus groups, end-of-course evaluations)

• Continue district newsletter 2 times per year

• New website

• School newsletters

• Communicate regularly with staff

• Continue Anchor meetings

• Radio/Newspaper

Objective 2: >Update and Implement District Plans

Action Steps:

• Technology Plan

• District Emergency/Safety Plans (Site Assessment)

• District Nutrition Plan

• District Communication Plan

• Unusually Hazardous Transportation Plan