Goal 1: 90% of students will score advanced or proficient on the WKCE and all students will show progress as measured by student performance indicators (i.e. WKCE, MAP)>
Objective 1: >Improve Curriculum and Access to the Curriculum for all students
Action Steps:>
Increase the percentage of special education students that access the core curriculum
Update and revise all curriculum for grades 6-12 in Eclipse by June 2009
Update and revise all curriculum for grades PK-5 in Eclipse by June 2010
Revamp grades 7-12 English and K-12 Social Studies curriculum and implement new curriculum during the 2009-10 school year
Begin establishing essential understandings in PK-8
Evaluate and revise summer school curriculum where needed
Pilot Houghton Mifflin for 4K and Early Childhood
Review, develop, and implement a plan for GT services/programs in the district
Expand offerings for AP and accelerated course work
Evaluate Virtual School curriculum
Evaluate Alternative Charter School curriculum and programming
Develop and implement a district-wide philosophy for access to educational resources for all students (i.e. Virtual School classes for non-virtual school students)
Introduce staff to 21st Century Learning Skills
Research social curricula (i.e. FISH, TRIBES)
Objective 2: >Improve Instructional Practices
Action Steps:>
Develop comprehensive plan for high quality professional development for all teachers
- Provide on-going reading professional development to all K-5 reading teachers (instructional facilitator)
- Provide professional development in reading and writing to all MS teachers (Mike Flanagan)
- Focus in-services on meeting the needs of all students (i.e. GT, at-risk, special needs)
Teachers must collaborate with other teachers regarding instructional practices at least twice per year (i.e. PLC structure, Peer Observations)
Review, revise and implement new observation/evaluation instrument and require teachers to use it as a reflective tool
Develop a plan for working with struggling teachers and master teachers
Review and revise mentor/mentee program
Objective 3: >Continue Implementation of a District-wide Intervention System
Action Steps:
Principals and staff will revise building level intervention plans
Continue development of Dibels data collection process
Develop, implement and manage a Progress Monitoring System (need more staff to do this)
Train all staff in Eclipse Data software so they can monitor student progress
Provide structured curriculum for double-dose time
Collect and analyze data regarding the effectiveness of interventions
Develop a resource map in each building in the district
Principals and staff will revise the problem solving "Intervention Team" model to develop more consistency across the district
Provide on-going professional development on RTI (i.e Batsche, Hartwig)
Develop RTI plan for GT
Develop RTI manual for district
Develop RTI plan for behavioral issues/needs
Develop comprehensive MS and HS intervention plans
Objective 4: >Revamp assessment and grading practices
Action Steps:
Provide professional development on assessment and grading practices and their effect on student achievement (Guskey - August 2008)
Develop key questions and a follow-up plan for Guskey workshop
Develop a plan for revamping assessment and grading practices
Objective 5: >Improve Instructional Leadership
Action Steps:
Identify and develop a plan to utilize instructional leaders in the district
Develop a plan to increase the focus of administrators on instructional leadership
Develop PICs (Professional Improvement Committees)
- Visit high quality school districts
- Discuss what great schools do well
Goal 2: Demonstrate effective fiscal responsibility by utilizing sound budgeting strategies and by using sound fiscal management to annually bring the District Fund 10 budget in at or better than budgeted amounts.>
Objective 1: >Effective Budget Development and Management
Action Steps:
Develop a District Operations Calendar
Annually update District's 5-year long-term maintenance schedule
Schedule Board walk-through of District facilities
Build back and maintain a minimum of a 10% Fund 10 fund balance
Create ongoing priority list of items for consideration for addition to District budget should funding allow
Continue implementation of Bidding/RFP process
Establish a bid/RFP cycle
Formulate a plan for beginning to address District's Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) obligations
Objective 2: >On-going Referenda Planning and Management
Action Steps:
On-going management to maximize value of referendum authority
Discuss current referendum status and likelihood of future referendum as part of all budget discussions
Continuous forethought as to impact of major decisions on future referenda
Goal 3: Revise and implement the District's Community Relations Plan that creates and maintains a positive image that reflects the communities expectations of our schools.>
Objective 1: >Create effective communication tools that develop open channels of communication between the home, community and schools; keep all constituents informed of the financial and academic business of the district.
Action Steps (See Community Relations Plan):
Develop a plan for collecting feedback from stakeholders (i.e. alumni survey, parent survey, focus groups, end-of-course evaluations)
Continue district newsletter 2 times per year
New website
School newsletters
Communicate regularly with staff
Continue Anchor meetings
Objective 2: >Update and Implement District Plans
Action Steps:
Technology Plan
District Emergency/Safety Plans (Site Assessment)
District Nutrition Plan
District Communication Plan
Unusually Hazardous Transportation Plan