DARLINGTON - Property owners in the Darlington school district will see their school taxes drop slightly again next year.
This is the fourth straight year the district has seen a reduction in its tax rate and tax levy.
At its annual meeting Monday, Aug. 26, the district voted for an estimated $3.08 million tax levy, which equates to $10.99 per $1,000 of property value based on equalized values last year.
The tax rate for 2012-13 was $11.19 per $1,000, to raise $3.14 million in local tax revenue.
That means the owner of a $150,000 home will pay $30 less, or about $1,649 in school taxes next year. The owner of a $250,000 house will pay $2,748, a decrease of $50.
The expense budget for all funds totals $10.6 million for 2013-14, up from $10 million last year. Anticipated revenues for individual funds total about $10.2 million, down from $10.4 million in 2012-13.
General state aid, totaling $5.24 million, was up about $123,000. Federal sources of revenue are down by $30,000, to $237,500.
Budgeted general fund curriculum expenses are increased by $448,000, or 10 percent to $4.7 million. Support services, which include administration costs, increased $350,000, or 12 percent, to $3.2 million. Food service costs are up $10,000, or 2.6 percent.
Funding for special instruction and projects will decrease $16,700, or 1.7 percent, to $992,000.
Debt service costs are down $91,300, or 16 percent, to $462,000; and capital project costs are down $122,200, or 73 percent, to $45,800. The district's indebtedness at the end of the 2012-13 school year was $2.1 million.
This is the fourth straight year the district has seen a reduction in its tax rate and tax levy.
At its annual meeting Monday, Aug. 26, the district voted for an estimated $3.08 million tax levy, which equates to $10.99 per $1,000 of property value based on equalized values last year.
The tax rate for 2012-13 was $11.19 per $1,000, to raise $3.14 million in local tax revenue.
That means the owner of a $150,000 home will pay $30 less, or about $1,649 in school taxes next year. The owner of a $250,000 house will pay $2,748, a decrease of $50.
The expense budget for all funds totals $10.6 million for 2013-14, up from $10 million last year. Anticipated revenues for individual funds total about $10.2 million, down from $10.4 million in 2012-13.
General state aid, totaling $5.24 million, was up about $123,000. Federal sources of revenue are down by $30,000, to $237,500.
Budgeted general fund curriculum expenses are increased by $448,000, or 10 percent to $4.7 million. Support services, which include administration costs, increased $350,000, or 12 percent, to $3.2 million. Food service costs are up $10,000, or 2.6 percent.
Funding for special instruction and projects will decrease $16,700, or 1.7 percent, to $992,000.
Debt service costs are down $91,300, or 16 percent, to $462,000; and capital project costs are down $122,200, or 73 percent, to $45,800. The district's indebtedness at the end of the 2012-13 school year was $2.1 million.