- Edward H. Paschal, 40, Monroe, speeding in school zone, $200.50
- Nicholas A. Paschal, 16, Monroe, violate absolute sobriety law, $389.50
- Nicholas A. Paschal, 16, Monroe, driving without an adequate muffler, $175.30
- Darryl L. Pehl, 63, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Bethany M. Penniston, 43, Monroe, driving without a license, $200.50
- Brandon L. Penniston, 25, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Lincoln A. Pfaff, 23, Mount Horeb, non-registration of a vehicle, $175.30
- Paul B. Poppe, 44, Monroe, speeding, $175.30
- Elizabeth C. Price, 39, Monroe, driving after suspension, $200.50
- Elizabeth C. Price, 39, Monroe, driving without insurance, $200.50
- Elizabeth C. Price, 39, Monroe, driving after suspension/revocation, $175.30
- Santa Cecelia Quintana, 16, Monroe, probationary license violation, $200.50
- Richard T. Reynolds, 64, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Brandon S. Richardson, 21, Monroe, driving without proof of insurance, $10
- Brandon S. Richardson, 21, Monroe, fourth-offense driving after suspension, $200.50
- Daniel Rivera, 61, Sterling, Ill., failure to yield the right of way, $175.30
- Tyler J. Roberts, 17, Monroe, driving without proof of insurance, $10
- Tyler J. Roberts, 17, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Micah A. Rochon, 33, Dodgeville, seatbelt violation, $10
- Beau L. Rochon, 31, Dodgeville, seatbelt violation, $10
- Dawson J. Rollinger, 28, Apple River, Ill., failure to stop at a stop sign, $175.30
- Kevin M. Schulthess, 48, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $175.30
- Kevin M. Schulthess, 48, Monroe, driving without proof of insurance, $10
- Dennis C. Siegel, 39, Monroe, non-vehicle registration, $175.30
- Ryan D. Siegel, 16, Monroe, drive by permittee without authorized person over 21, $200.50
- Brandi J. Smith, 26, Monroe, driving without a license, $200.50
- Dustin W. Smith, 24, Monroe, driving without a license, $175.30
- Gail A. Sorenson, 60, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Wesley D. Speer, 26, Monticello, seatbelt violation, $10
- Steven L. Spring, 54, Monticello, seatbelt violation, $10
- Amy J. Spring, 24, Monticello, failure to stop at a stop sign, $175.30
- Crystal E. Stewart, 28, Monroe, improper signal for stop/turn, $175.30
- Corinne M. Stietz, 38, Gratiot, driving without proof of insurance, $10
- Robert E. Stripe, 53, Argyle, speeding, $250.90
- Robert E. Stripe, 53, Argyle, driving without proof of insurance, $10
- Terry S. Thompson, 61, Lanark, Ill., speeding, $175.30
- Deanna M. Truedson McKillips, 39, Mazomanie, speeding, $175.30
- Wayne D. Trumpy, 56, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Curtis C. Ubersox, 35, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Emily A. Voorhis, 18, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Jeffrey R. Waefler, 38, Monroe, driving after suspension, $200.50
- Jamie J. Walker, 36, Monroe, inattentive driving, $187.90
- Scott R. Walters, 38, Browntown, driving after suspension, $200.50
- Rena A. Welty, 39, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Jessica M. Wingert, 18, Lena, Ill., speeding, $175.30
- Jessica M. Wingert, 18, Lena, Ill., driving without proof of insurance, $10
- Jamie Wood, 26, Monroe, driving after suspension, $200.50
- Denise P. Zepeda, 21, Monroe, driving after revocation/suspension, $175.30
- Nicholas A. Paschal, 16, Monroe, violate absolute sobriety law, $389.50
- Nicholas A. Paschal, 16, Monroe, driving without an adequate muffler, $175.30
- Darryl L. Pehl, 63, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Bethany M. Penniston, 43, Monroe, driving without a license, $200.50
- Brandon L. Penniston, 25, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Lincoln A. Pfaff, 23, Mount Horeb, non-registration of a vehicle, $175.30
- Paul B. Poppe, 44, Monroe, speeding, $175.30
- Elizabeth C. Price, 39, Monroe, driving after suspension, $200.50
- Elizabeth C. Price, 39, Monroe, driving without insurance, $200.50
- Elizabeth C. Price, 39, Monroe, driving after suspension/revocation, $175.30
- Santa Cecelia Quintana, 16, Monroe, probationary license violation, $200.50
- Richard T. Reynolds, 64, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Brandon S. Richardson, 21, Monroe, driving without proof of insurance, $10
- Brandon S. Richardson, 21, Monroe, fourth-offense driving after suspension, $200.50
- Daniel Rivera, 61, Sterling, Ill., failure to yield the right of way, $175.30
- Tyler J. Roberts, 17, Monroe, driving without proof of insurance, $10
- Tyler J. Roberts, 17, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Micah A. Rochon, 33, Dodgeville, seatbelt violation, $10
- Beau L. Rochon, 31, Dodgeville, seatbelt violation, $10
- Dawson J. Rollinger, 28, Apple River, Ill., failure to stop at a stop sign, $175.30
- Kevin M. Schulthess, 48, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $175.30
- Kevin M. Schulthess, 48, Monroe, driving without proof of insurance, $10
- Dennis C. Siegel, 39, Monroe, non-vehicle registration, $175.30
- Ryan D. Siegel, 16, Monroe, drive by permittee without authorized person over 21, $200.50
- Brandi J. Smith, 26, Monroe, driving without a license, $200.50
- Dustin W. Smith, 24, Monroe, driving without a license, $175.30
- Gail A. Sorenson, 60, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Wesley D. Speer, 26, Monticello, seatbelt violation, $10
- Steven L. Spring, 54, Monticello, seatbelt violation, $10
- Amy J. Spring, 24, Monticello, failure to stop at a stop sign, $175.30
- Crystal E. Stewart, 28, Monroe, improper signal for stop/turn, $175.30
- Corinne M. Stietz, 38, Gratiot, driving without proof of insurance, $10
- Robert E. Stripe, 53, Argyle, speeding, $250.90
- Robert E. Stripe, 53, Argyle, driving without proof of insurance, $10
- Terry S. Thompson, 61, Lanark, Ill., speeding, $175.30
- Deanna M. Truedson McKillips, 39, Mazomanie, speeding, $175.30
- Wayne D. Trumpy, 56, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Curtis C. Ubersox, 35, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Emily A. Voorhis, 18, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Jeffrey R. Waefler, 38, Monroe, driving after suspension, $200.50
- Jamie J. Walker, 36, Monroe, inattentive driving, $187.90
- Scott R. Walters, 38, Browntown, driving after suspension, $200.50
- Rena A. Welty, 39, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Jessica M. Wingert, 18, Lena, Ill., speeding, $175.30
- Jessica M. Wingert, 18, Lena, Ill., driving without proof of insurance, $10
- Jamie Wood, 26, Monroe, driving after suspension, $200.50
- Denise P. Zepeda, 21, Monroe, driving after revocation/suspension, $175.30