Green County
- Kevin L. Lancaster, 22, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Cody J. Langmeier, 19, Argyle, seatbelt violation, $10
- Travis Jon Lehnherr, 19, Monroe, improper signal for stop/turn, $175.30
- Daniel P. Lincicum, 26, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Daniel P. Lincicum, 26, Monroe, operating vehicle without insurance, $200.50
- Daniel P. Lincicum, 26, Monroe, operating vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
- Jordan L. Luedeking, 17, Freeport, operating without valid license, $200.50
- Alcus G. Martin, 50, Monroe, operating while suspended (4th+), $200.50
- Cody L. Meighan, 20, illegal use of radio, etc., $187.90
- Jamie D. Moats, 19, Monroe, annoying telephone calls (50-200), $326.50
- Sarah E. Olsen, 27, Blanchardville, seatbelt violation, $10
- Sarah Eirene Pate, 18, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Sarah Eirene Pate, 18, Monroe, operating vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
- Kyle S. Peotter, 17, Monroe, disorderly conduct, $326.50
- Elias Perez Barrios, 29, Monroe, operate without valid license, $200.50
- Elias Perez Barrios, 29, Monroe, failure to yield right of way, $175.30
- Justin A. Phillips, 21, Brodhead, seatbelt violation, $10
- Kimber Lee Raemisch, 24, Monroe, operating vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
- Kimber Lee Raemisch, 24, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Jonathon C. Richardson, 24, Albany, seatbelt violation, $10
- Sarah Jean Roesslein, 34, Brodhead, deposit waste in commercial container, $263.50
- Antwon D. Rogers, 32, Beloit, operate without valid license, $200.50
- Joseph David Ruegsegger, 19, Monroe, harassment, $326.50
- Kelli L. Runke, 57, Monroe, annoying telephone calls (50-100), $326.50
- Rose M. Schmidt, 82, Monroe, fail to yield when emerging from alley, $175.30
- Genna R. Schmitz, 18, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Tyler Michael Schwartz, 20, Monroe, operating vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
- Ryan Daniel Siegel, 18, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- David C. Siegel, 67, Monroe, operator failed to have passenger seatbelted, $10
- Nicholas David Siegel, 18, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Craig Logan Slotten, 22, Monticello, operating while suspended, $200.50
- Jenni M. Stretsbery, 18, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Nicole Marie Sulzer, 18, Monroe, fail to yield right of way from stop sign, $175.30
- Jaime M. Sunderlage, 25, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Jaime M. Sunderlage, 25, Monroe, operating vehicle without insurance, $200.50
- Brayle Michael Svendsen, 20, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Brayle Michael Svendsen, 20, Monroe, operate vehicle by permitee without instructor, $200.50
- Cory E. Thornton, 21, Monroe, operating vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
- Cory A. Timm, 19, Monroe, fail to properly maintain exhaust system, $175.30
- Penelope D. Trumpy, 38, Monticello, seatbelt violation, $10
- Terry D. Tschudy, 41, New Glarus, fail to yield while making a left turn, $175.30
- Zachary K. Turner, 20, Monticello, seatbelt violation, $10
- Joseph M. Van Matre, 24, Browntown, operating while suspended, $200.50
- Cody John Vavra, 21, Monroe, operating vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
- Cody John Vavra, 21, Monroe, operating while suspended, $200.50
- Ryu Ray Voegeli, 18, Monroe, possess drug paraphernalia, $389.50
- David Lee Webb, 19, Monroe, reckless driving-endager safety, $389.50
- Dustin W. White, 19, Brodhead, retail theft, $389.50
- Molly J. Wiesner, 20, Madison, operating while suspended, $200.50
- Thomas J. Wilde, 45, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Kyle L. Workinger, 25, Monroe, non-registration of auto, etc., $175.30
- Heather Marie Young, 24, Monroe, operating vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
- Bryce Charles Zettle, 18, Juda, excessive acceleration/squealing tires, $175.30
- Jerrald L. Zweifel, 65, Evansville, seatbelt violation, $10
- Kevin L. Lancaster, 22, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Cody J. Langmeier, 19, Argyle, seatbelt violation, $10
- Travis Jon Lehnherr, 19, Monroe, improper signal for stop/turn, $175.30
- Daniel P. Lincicum, 26, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Daniel P. Lincicum, 26, Monroe, operating vehicle without insurance, $200.50
- Daniel P. Lincicum, 26, Monroe, operating vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
- Jordan L. Luedeking, 17, Freeport, operating without valid license, $200.50
- Alcus G. Martin, 50, Monroe, operating while suspended (4th+), $200.50
- Cody L. Meighan, 20, illegal use of radio, etc., $187.90
- Jamie D. Moats, 19, Monroe, annoying telephone calls (50-200), $326.50
- Sarah E. Olsen, 27, Blanchardville, seatbelt violation, $10
- Sarah Eirene Pate, 18, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Sarah Eirene Pate, 18, Monroe, operating vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
- Kyle S. Peotter, 17, Monroe, disorderly conduct, $326.50
- Elias Perez Barrios, 29, Monroe, operate without valid license, $200.50
- Elias Perez Barrios, 29, Monroe, failure to yield right of way, $175.30
- Justin A. Phillips, 21, Brodhead, seatbelt violation, $10
- Kimber Lee Raemisch, 24, Monroe, operating vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
- Kimber Lee Raemisch, 24, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Jonathon C. Richardson, 24, Albany, seatbelt violation, $10
- Sarah Jean Roesslein, 34, Brodhead, deposit waste in commercial container, $263.50
- Antwon D. Rogers, 32, Beloit, operate without valid license, $200.50
- Joseph David Ruegsegger, 19, Monroe, harassment, $326.50
- Kelli L. Runke, 57, Monroe, annoying telephone calls (50-100), $326.50
- Rose M. Schmidt, 82, Monroe, fail to yield when emerging from alley, $175.30
- Genna R. Schmitz, 18, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Tyler Michael Schwartz, 20, Monroe, operating vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
- Ryan Daniel Siegel, 18, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- David C. Siegel, 67, Monroe, operator failed to have passenger seatbelted, $10
- Nicholas David Siegel, 18, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Craig Logan Slotten, 22, Monticello, operating while suspended, $200.50
- Jenni M. Stretsbery, 18, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Nicole Marie Sulzer, 18, Monroe, fail to yield right of way from stop sign, $175.30
- Jaime M. Sunderlage, 25, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Jaime M. Sunderlage, 25, Monroe, operating vehicle without insurance, $200.50
- Brayle Michael Svendsen, 20, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Brayle Michael Svendsen, 20, Monroe, operate vehicle by permitee without instructor, $200.50
- Cory E. Thornton, 21, Monroe, operating vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
- Cory A. Timm, 19, Monroe, fail to properly maintain exhaust system, $175.30
- Penelope D. Trumpy, 38, Monticello, seatbelt violation, $10
- Terry D. Tschudy, 41, New Glarus, fail to yield while making a left turn, $175.30
- Zachary K. Turner, 20, Monticello, seatbelt violation, $10
- Joseph M. Van Matre, 24, Browntown, operating while suspended, $200.50
- Cody John Vavra, 21, Monroe, operating vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
- Cody John Vavra, 21, Monroe, operating while suspended, $200.50
- Ryu Ray Voegeli, 18, Monroe, possess drug paraphernalia, $389.50
- David Lee Webb, 19, Monroe, reckless driving-endager safety, $389.50
- Dustin W. White, 19, Brodhead, retail theft, $389.50
- Molly J. Wiesner, 20, Madison, operating while suspended, $200.50
- Thomas J. Wilde, 45, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
- Kyle L. Workinger, 25, Monroe, non-registration of auto, etc., $175.30
- Heather Marie Young, 24, Monroe, operating vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
- Bryce Charles Zettle, 18, Juda, excessive acceleration/squealing tires, $175.30
- Jerrald L. Zweifel, 65, Evansville, seatbelt violation, $10