Green County
- Adam Christopher Smith, 30, Dallas Center, Iowa, speeding, $250.90
- Kayla J. Solles, 20, Beloit, underage drinking (first violation), $263.50
- Joshua Ray Steere, 27, Arlington, Texas, speeding, $225.70
- Kyle W. Strauch, 41, Monroe, speeding, $200.50
- Brayle M. Svendsen, 21, Monroe, underage drinking (first violation), $263.50
- Kirk M. Sweeney, 38, Monroe, driving with a suspended license, $200.50
- Christopher P. Tadych, 19, Blanchardville, resisting/obstructing an officer, $389.50
- Adam Christopher Smith, 30, Dallas Center, Iowa, speeding, $250.90
- Kayla J. Solles, 20, Beloit, underage drinking (first violation), $263.50
- Joshua Ray Steere, 27, Arlington, Texas, speeding, $225.70
- Kyle W. Strauch, 41, Monroe, speeding, $200.50
- Brayle M. Svendsen, 21, Monroe, underage drinking (first violation), $263.50
- Kirk M. Sweeney, 38, Monroe, driving with a suspended license, $200.50
- Christopher P. Tadych, 19, Blanchardville, resisting/obstructing an officer, $389.50