DARLINGTON - People who ride snowmobiles are reminded to ride on designated trails or private property where they've received permission from the property owner, according to Darlington Police Chief Jason King.
King said his department has received complaints about snowmobile drivers riding on private property or on streets that aren't designated as snowmobile routes. The main problem appears to be on Spring Street, where snowmobilers have created an illegal trail.
King said snowmobile drivers are illegally riding on the street and in people's yards.
"The fine for operating a snowmobile on the street is $186, while a fine for trespassing is $249," King said.
Anyone with questions about the law can contact the police department at (608) 776-4981 or at the city's Web site at www.darlingtonwi.org.
King said his department has received complaints about snowmobile drivers riding on private property or on streets that aren't designated as snowmobile routes. The main problem appears to be on Spring Street, where snowmobilers have created an illegal trail.
King said snowmobile drivers are illegally riding on the street and in people's yards.
"The fine for operating a snowmobile on the street is $186, while a fine for trespassing is $249," King said.
Anyone with questions about the law can contact the police department at (608) 776-4981 or at the city's Web site at www.darlingtonwi.org.