In a story titled "Trimesters a go at MHS" in Tuesday's edition of the Monroe Times, it was inaccurately reported that no one on the Monroe school board seconded board member Dan Bartholf's motion to move forward with Monroe High School switching to a trimester schedule for the 2018-19 school year. Bob Erb, board president, seconded Bartholf's motion.
In the article "Stonecroft luncheon features happiness topic" on Page A5 of Tuesday's edition of the Times, the theme and date of the luncheon were incorrect. The theme will be "Miracles Happen," and the event will be at 12:30 p.m. Feb. 21, with a registration deadline of Feb. 18.
The Times regrets the errors.
In the article "Stonecroft luncheon features happiness topic" on Page A5 of Tuesday's edition of the Times, the theme and date of the luncheon were incorrect. The theme will be "Miracles Happen," and the event will be at 12:30 p.m. Feb. 21, with a registration deadline of Feb. 18.
The Times regrets the errors.