MONROE — Some layout changes may be happening at the new Monroe High School campus on the city’s far east side, though those plans are not set in stone.
Architects updated the School District of Monroe’s Board of Education of some slight campus layout revision plans at their regular meeting Nov. 13 at the Bauer Education Center.
Among the most recent updated plans is to shift the location of the building slightly west and south from the last rendering provided several months ago. The building is now expected to be follow a natural ridge in the land, which would help maximize cut and fill efficiency. It also could maximize some spectator’s views of athletic events.
In the new alignment, a pavilion leaving the east side doors of the school would be even with the top of the bleachers on the football field, similar to stadiums in Stoughton and Milton.
Inside the school, the basketball court floor would be set about 14 feet below the main floor of the school as well, potentially giving the gymnasium an arena feel.
“We are well into the planning of the building itself,” said Michael Brush of Plunkett Raysich Architects (PRA).
A long commons corridor 50-feet wide would travel the length of the building as well. The building will be built as a multi-level structure, and the footprint isn’t expected to see any significant changes.
Drop-off zones for students would be separated as well, mixing safety while keeping traffic flowing. Buses would drop off students at the south side, while regular drop-off and the main entry to the building would be elsewhere.
“I’m happily able to staff two different locations if we can do that, because we know how congested our parking lot is right now with buses in the middle of our kids,” said Jeriamy Jackson, MHS principal. “That’s not a safe situation, so I’d rather have two staff and two entrances for that.”
While members of CG Schmidt and PRA Architects have met with school staff on what features might be needed in classrooms, the plans are not yet ready to be fully presented at a community session. The soil boring tests haven’t arrived yet, though they are expected to be available soon, as well as traffic study results. Those results could certainly change even more of the campus concept.
Fehr Graham’s Jesse Duff gave an update on the proposed County KK entry road. The intersection would be where sight lines are best, which is approximately 200 feet to the west of Radio Lane. The road would be about 4,700 feet long and have some slight turns to deter speedy driving. Even though the road will be graded for traffic at 40 miles per hour, signage would be posted at 25 mph. The chosen lane is relatively flat and not on rolling hills and crosses runoff streams in just two locations. Cut and fill is also expected to be within one inch of requirements.
The project is expected to break ground for construction in March or April of 2024 and should be complete and ready for use for the start of school in September 2026.