MONROE - On Tuesday, Sept. 2, the Monroe City Council:
Passed unanimously an ordinance allowing smaller than the normal 9.5 feet by 18 feet, off-street parking spaces in a conditional use permit.
Voted unanimously to vacate and discontinue use of an alley north of Fifth Street between 22nd and 26th avenues near Monroe Clinic.
Approved two utility easements from Monroe Clinic and from James and Terry Faith.
Voted unanimously to authorized the borrowing of $820,000 from the Trust Funds of Wisconsin for the purpose of refinancing unfunded pension liability, to be payable within 10 years, in annual installments with an annual interest rate of 6 percent. An annual tax for the purpose of paying the interest and the principle will be levied on all taxable property within the city.
Voted unanimously to approve claims for payment in the amount of $716,392.25.
Granted electrical contractor licenses to Dennis Schlimgen; and operator license to Sheri J. Babler, Paul A. Nardin, Henry D. Zimmerman, Mike Islami, Ilir Abduli, Karel L. Litton and Laura L. McConnell.
Approved Kurt Kline to be the agent for the "Class B" liquor and fermented malt beverage license issued to Turner Hall of Monroe, Inc.
Voted unanimously to authorize hiring Jeff Voegli Landscaping, Inc., Monroe, to complete the landscaping for TID 8 project and water all areas until established, for the sum of $8,120; and authorized a change order to be issued to Kelsey Excavating, Inc., deducting $8,120 from the contract with them for unfinished landscaping work for the TID 8 project, and to serve notice to Kelsey Excavating to stop all work.
Alderman Mark Coplien said he wanted department heads to seek competitive bids for all projects in the future.
MONROE - On Tuesday, Sept. 2, the City of Monroe Board of Public Works:
Denied a request from residents Jeff and Jenny Jenson to share the cost of $5,800 for a lateral replacement at 1514 23rd Ave. The cost included lateral replacement, yard work and curb replacement. The residents indicated by letter that the need for replacement was at least partly caused by the city's lack of preventative measures to take care of the trees in the terrace area. The residence's lateral pipe pitch was "dead flat," and roots had grown into the pipes, according to Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent Gerald Ellefson. The city has not cost shared in the past, Ellefson said.
Authorized hiring Voegli Landscaping at $8,120 to complete work on a TID 8 project using $12,500 retainage from Kelsey Excavating to pay for the work, and to authorize a change order and serve notice to Kelsey Excavating to stop all work. The project was located along 18th Avenue and in the Mansion Drive area. In January, the Board gave Kelsey Excavating an extension until April 30 to complete the project because of severe winter weather. Ellefson showed the board photos of the landscaping that had been done and noted the growth of weeds in those areas.
"The quality of work is totally unacceptable" and calls have been coming in "hot and heavy from residents," Ellefson said.
Ellefson said Voegli Landscaping was the only company considered to step into the project, because it has a water tank which would keep the ground watered until seedlings appeared.
Alderman Mark Coplien, vice president of the board voted to approve hiring Voegli, but said he would not approve hirings without competitive bids from now on.
"I'll go ahead this time, just to take care of the people, but next time, I'm going to vote no," he said.
Accepted quotes and authorized the purchase of a roofing system for sand and salt storage in the amount of $4,444.37 from Tech Supply in Connecticut. The roofing has a 15-year warranty, and is manufactured in Iowa, according to Street Department Supervisor Tom Boll.
Approved for payment bills in the amount of $281,750.94 to James Thieding Construction for 30th Street detention pond; $1,835 to Hasse Surveying for 30th Street detention pond; $9,965.74 to Rock Solid Concrete for 2008 sidewalk project; $4,616 to Whitney Tree Service for tree removal and trim; $11,166.50, $357, and $4,882.75 to Fehr-Graham & Associates for 16th Avenue sewer and water improvement projects; $6,902.28 to WK Construction, Inc. for Eighth/Ninth Street patching project.
In business presented by board members, Alderman Charles Schuringa spoke about the need to connect 30th Street on the south side of Monroe High School between 13th and 16th avenues. The connection would be useful for industry, fire and police, bussing and thru-traffic, and would relieve travel on side streets through town, he said. "If we could step up that project, that would help all the way around," he said.
MONROE - On Tuesday, Sept. 2, the City of Monroe Public Safety Committee voted to replace signage at the corner of Sixth Street and 16th Avenue to indicate westbound traffic on Sixth Street does not stop. Westbound traffic on Sixth Street turns onto 16th Avenue following the Wisconsin 69 Business route through town. The signs were taken down during construction on 16th Avenue.
MONROE - On Tuesday, Sept. 2, the City of Monroe Salary and Personnel Committee met in closed session to discuss a performance evaluation and compensation increase for Monroe Police Department Technical Services Director Rob Jacobson. In open meeting, the committee voted to remove Jacobson from probationary status and recommended to council to increase Jacob's pay by $150 per month.
Passed unanimously an ordinance allowing smaller than the normal 9.5 feet by 18 feet, off-street parking spaces in a conditional use permit.
Voted unanimously to vacate and discontinue use of an alley north of Fifth Street between 22nd and 26th avenues near Monroe Clinic.
Approved two utility easements from Monroe Clinic and from James and Terry Faith.
Voted unanimously to authorized the borrowing of $820,000 from the Trust Funds of Wisconsin for the purpose of refinancing unfunded pension liability, to be payable within 10 years, in annual installments with an annual interest rate of 6 percent. An annual tax for the purpose of paying the interest and the principle will be levied on all taxable property within the city.
Voted unanimously to approve claims for payment in the amount of $716,392.25.
Granted electrical contractor licenses to Dennis Schlimgen; and operator license to Sheri J. Babler, Paul A. Nardin, Henry D. Zimmerman, Mike Islami, Ilir Abduli, Karel L. Litton and Laura L. McConnell.
Approved Kurt Kline to be the agent for the "Class B" liquor and fermented malt beverage license issued to Turner Hall of Monroe, Inc.
Voted unanimously to authorize hiring Jeff Voegli Landscaping, Inc., Monroe, to complete the landscaping for TID 8 project and water all areas until established, for the sum of $8,120; and authorized a change order to be issued to Kelsey Excavating, Inc., deducting $8,120 from the contract with them for unfinished landscaping work for the TID 8 project, and to serve notice to Kelsey Excavating to stop all work.
Alderman Mark Coplien said he wanted department heads to seek competitive bids for all projects in the future.
MONROE - On Tuesday, Sept. 2, the City of Monroe Board of Public Works:
Denied a request from residents Jeff and Jenny Jenson to share the cost of $5,800 for a lateral replacement at 1514 23rd Ave. The cost included lateral replacement, yard work and curb replacement. The residents indicated by letter that the need for replacement was at least partly caused by the city's lack of preventative measures to take care of the trees in the terrace area. The residence's lateral pipe pitch was "dead flat," and roots had grown into the pipes, according to Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent Gerald Ellefson. The city has not cost shared in the past, Ellefson said.
Authorized hiring Voegli Landscaping at $8,120 to complete work on a TID 8 project using $12,500 retainage from Kelsey Excavating to pay for the work, and to authorize a change order and serve notice to Kelsey Excavating to stop all work. The project was located along 18th Avenue and in the Mansion Drive area. In January, the Board gave Kelsey Excavating an extension until April 30 to complete the project because of severe winter weather. Ellefson showed the board photos of the landscaping that had been done and noted the growth of weeds in those areas.
"The quality of work is totally unacceptable" and calls have been coming in "hot and heavy from residents," Ellefson said.
Ellefson said Voegli Landscaping was the only company considered to step into the project, because it has a water tank which would keep the ground watered until seedlings appeared.
Alderman Mark Coplien, vice president of the board voted to approve hiring Voegli, but said he would not approve hirings without competitive bids from now on.
"I'll go ahead this time, just to take care of the people, but next time, I'm going to vote no," he said.
Accepted quotes and authorized the purchase of a roofing system for sand and salt storage in the amount of $4,444.37 from Tech Supply in Connecticut. The roofing has a 15-year warranty, and is manufactured in Iowa, according to Street Department Supervisor Tom Boll.
Approved for payment bills in the amount of $281,750.94 to James Thieding Construction for 30th Street detention pond; $1,835 to Hasse Surveying for 30th Street detention pond; $9,965.74 to Rock Solid Concrete for 2008 sidewalk project; $4,616 to Whitney Tree Service for tree removal and trim; $11,166.50, $357, and $4,882.75 to Fehr-Graham & Associates for 16th Avenue sewer and water improvement projects; $6,902.28 to WK Construction, Inc. for Eighth/Ninth Street patching project.
In business presented by board members, Alderman Charles Schuringa spoke about the need to connect 30th Street on the south side of Monroe High School between 13th and 16th avenues. The connection would be useful for industry, fire and police, bussing and thru-traffic, and would relieve travel on side streets through town, he said. "If we could step up that project, that would help all the way around," he said.
MONROE - On Tuesday, Sept. 2, the City of Monroe Public Safety Committee voted to replace signage at the corner of Sixth Street and 16th Avenue to indicate westbound traffic on Sixth Street does not stop. Westbound traffic on Sixth Street turns onto 16th Avenue following the Wisconsin 69 Business route through town. The signs were taken down during construction on 16th Avenue.
MONROE - On Tuesday, Sept. 2, the City of Monroe Salary and Personnel Committee met in closed session to discuss a performance evaluation and compensation increase for Monroe Police Department Technical Services Director Rob Jacobson. In open meeting, the committee voted to remove Jacobson from probationary status and recommended to council to increase Jacob's pay by $150 per month.