MONROE - In a meeting Wednesday, the City of Monroe Common Council:
Approved (9-0) claims in the amount of $1,219,367.39. Mark Coplien abstained, because a bill from his company was included.
Approved the Green Haven Family Advocates' "Expedition '09" for Oct. 17 at Twining Park.
Granted electrical contractor license to T&S Electrical LTD (Gary Grundahl), and operator's license to Elizabeth S. Baker.
Approved a change in premises description, to read "entire first floor excluding bed & breakfast room" for Peppercorn Banquets and Catering, LLC "Class B" Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverage License.
Discussed and unanimously approved a railing installation for streetscape project as recommended by Board of Public Works. The cost is within the original contract bid of E&N Hughes, the general contractor.
Approved (9-0) land acquisitions from six parcels for 8th /9th Street project. Jan Lefevre abstained, because she owns one of the properties.
Approved unanimously an agreement with GET Realty, LLC regarding a structure that encroaches in the public right of way.
Approved unanimously an agreement with S.D. Devco, LLC regarding an access ramp that encroaches in the public right of way.
Accepted a donation of $5,000 for the Senior Center from Dorothy Meythaler Estate.
Held a public hearing and approved weights and measures assessment schedule.
Heard a presentation by Cypress Benefit Administrators and The Alliance on employee health insurance.
Heard an update by Fehr-Graham on streetscape project.
In business presented by aldermen, councilman Charles Schuringa criticized the communication process set up throughout city departments. Schuringa said he is experiencing an extended wait to receive a "simple answer." He said department heads receive between should be able to answer questions and not direct people to "wait for a certain person." Department heads have been directing all questions to Mayor Ron Marsh's office.
Marsh announced he is holding a townhall meeting open to the public at 6 p.m. today at City Hall.
Approved (9-0) claims in the amount of $1,219,367.39. Mark Coplien abstained, because a bill from his company was included.
Approved the Green Haven Family Advocates' "Expedition '09" for Oct. 17 at Twining Park.
Granted electrical contractor license to T&S Electrical LTD (Gary Grundahl), and operator's license to Elizabeth S. Baker.
Approved a change in premises description, to read "entire first floor excluding bed & breakfast room" for Peppercorn Banquets and Catering, LLC "Class B" Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverage License.
Discussed and unanimously approved a railing installation for streetscape project as recommended by Board of Public Works. The cost is within the original contract bid of E&N Hughes, the general contractor.
Approved (9-0) land acquisitions from six parcels for 8th /9th Street project. Jan Lefevre abstained, because she owns one of the properties.
Approved unanimously an agreement with GET Realty, LLC regarding a structure that encroaches in the public right of way.
Approved unanimously an agreement with S.D. Devco, LLC regarding an access ramp that encroaches in the public right of way.
Accepted a donation of $5,000 for the Senior Center from Dorothy Meythaler Estate.
Held a public hearing and approved weights and measures assessment schedule.
Heard a presentation by Cypress Benefit Administrators and The Alliance on employee health insurance.
Heard an update by Fehr-Graham on streetscape project.
In business presented by aldermen, councilman Charles Schuringa criticized the communication process set up throughout city departments. Schuringa said he is experiencing an extended wait to receive a "simple answer." He said department heads receive between should be able to answer questions and not direct people to "wait for a certain person." Department heads have been directing all questions to Mayor Ron Marsh's office.
Marsh announced he is holding a townhall meeting open to the public at 6 p.m. today at City Hall.