MONROE - During a meeting Monday, the City of Monroe Board of Public Works:
Approved payment of bills in the amounts of $5,390 from Whitney Tree Service, Monroe, for fall stump removal; $82.64 from Wisconsin DOT for pre-construction engineering on 13th Street; and $146.25 from Fehr-Graham & Associates for Walmart utility inspection.
Recommended to Council to approve a relocation order and plat for the 8th/9th Street project. Public Works Director Kelly Finkenbinder explained the order and plat shows each parcel of land along 8th and 9th streets that is being acquired for right of way and gave the legal description. The orders and plat must be approved by council and filed with the county clerk before purchasing the land. The 8th and 9th Street project includes plans to widen the road.
Authorized Street Department Supervisor Tom Boll to seek quotes for an endloader plow, estimated at $18,000 to $20,000. The purchase was budgeted and will be paid from the department's capital account.
Authorized Boll to replace two overhead doors for a truck shed. Two other doors on the building already have been replaced.
Approved a proposal submitted by the Green County Historical Society for painting the roof on the Lincoln Park Water Tower. GCHS will fund the project.
Accepted quotes and approved hiring Monroe Graphics for $866.98 to print the Consumer Confidence Report for the Water Department.
Reviewed and recommended to council to accept a bid and award a contract to American Fire Training System. Lockport, Ill., for the Merit Center training tower project. Monroe Fire Chief Daryl Rausch said only one bid came in. American bid $155,859.54 for the project. The MERIT Center has raised $184,486 and is funded by donations. Bids for the project in April were about 25 percent over budget. The tower was redesigned and down-sized for the second round of bids.
Alderman Mark Coplien and alternate member Dan Henke were absent.
- Tere Dunlap
Approved payment of bills in the amounts of $5,390 from Whitney Tree Service, Monroe, for fall stump removal; $82.64 from Wisconsin DOT for pre-construction engineering on 13th Street; and $146.25 from Fehr-Graham & Associates for Walmart utility inspection.
Recommended to Council to approve a relocation order and plat for the 8th/9th Street project. Public Works Director Kelly Finkenbinder explained the order and plat shows each parcel of land along 8th and 9th streets that is being acquired for right of way and gave the legal description. The orders and plat must be approved by council and filed with the county clerk before purchasing the land. The 8th and 9th Street project includes plans to widen the road.
Authorized Street Department Supervisor Tom Boll to seek quotes for an endloader plow, estimated at $18,000 to $20,000. The purchase was budgeted and will be paid from the department's capital account.
Authorized Boll to replace two overhead doors for a truck shed. Two other doors on the building already have been replaced.
Approved a proposal submitted by the Green County Historical Society for painting the roof on the Lincoln Park Water Tower. GCHS will fund the project.
Accepted quotes and approved hiring Monroe Graphics for $866.98 to print the Consumer Confidence Report for the Water Department.
Reviewed and recommended to council to accept a bid and award a contract to American Fire Training System. Lockport, Ill., for the Merit Center training tower project. Monroe Fire Chief Daryl Rausch said only one bid came in. American bid $155,859.54 for the project. The MERIT Center has raised $184,486 and is funded by donations. Bids for the project in April were about 25 percent over budget. The tower was redesigned and down-sized for the second round of bids.
Alderman Mark Coplien and alternate member Dan Henke were absent.
- Tere Dunlap