"The Cat's Pajamas," an a capella group comprised of five members, have been touring worldwide for over five years. Combining humor and charm with amazing vocals, the group creates a performance that appeals to all ages. Two years ago, the group performed at the Monroe Performing Arts Center and since then has been touring the country to raise money for choral departments through their Music in Schools series, annual concerts that have raised over $37,000 since 2007. On Tuesday, February 21, the group will be in Monroe, visiting all five schools throughout the day and presenting a full-length concert at 7:00 pm in the Monroe High School Performing Arts Center. Ticket prices are $10 for adults and $7 for students with all proceeds benefiting Monroe Schools vocal music programs. Interested parties can obtain tickets in advance at any of the district's school offices, the District Administrative Center, or Ruf's Confectionary. Tickets will also be available forty-five minutes prior to the concert. As the school visits and concert are free of cost to the district, all proceeds from ticket sales benefit music education in Monroe greatly.
"Cat's Pajamas' coming to Monroe