JANESVILLE — The Rock County Public Health Department and Rock County Emergency Management are partnering with Blackhawk Technical College and the Wisconsin National Guard to offer free COVID-19 testing for the community.
Free COVID-19 testing will be available weekly from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays at Blackhawk Technical College — Central Campus, 6004 South County G, Janesville. Testing will be available from Oct. 21 to Dec. 10.
Testing is open to anyone age five and older, but especially encouraged for those experiencing symptoms. COVID-19 symptoms include: cough; fatigue; sudden loss of taste/smell; shortness of breath; sore throat; congestion or runny nose; fever; muscle pain; nausea or vomiting; chills; headache; diarrhea.
No appointment is necessary, though pre-registration is recommended. Pre-register at register.covidconnect.wi.gov.
This is a drive-thru testing site and anyone getting tested must stay in their vehicle. A nasal swab will be used to collect a sample by a uniformed member of the Wisconsin National Guard.
Due to limited testing supplies, up to 300 tests will be administered per day. The testing site will close for the day once 300 tests have been given. The National Guard will not be testing on Nov. 11 (Veterans Day), nor Nov. 26-29 due to Thanksgiving.
Please note that these details are subject to change based on needs identified by the COVID-19 Response Team as response continues to evolve. Changes could include increases or decreases in the amount of testing.
A Spanish-language interpreter will be available for those who don’t speak English.
Stay up to date by visiting https://coronavirus-response-rockcountylio.hub.arcgis.com/. Please contact Rock County Emergency Management at (608) 758-8440 with questions about the community testing.