Looking east on 11th Street from just beyond the Square, this photo might remind us of what we expect for weather six months from now. On the left is Ben Sutherland’s livery, hack and feed stable. An earlier photo of this building is shown on page 40 of the Monroe Area Pictorial History. A photo of this building from the 1910s and its predecessor are shown on page 49 in the Pictorial History of Monroe. This building still stands across from the Post Office today. The houses in the next block on the right were located on the grounds of what is now City Hall. All publications of the Green County Historical Society are available at Sequels on the east side of the square and at the museum during open hours: 1 to 4 p.m. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Please contact Matt at 325-6503 or mfigi48@tds.net with questions.
Celebrating Our Past: Aug. 8, 2018