Holly Morton, Monroe, talks about her best friend Gabriel, a.k.a. Goose, a 10-year-old Shih Tzu-poodle-mix.
Morton got Goose from an ethical breeder in Evansville. Morton always had dogs growing up, mostly larger dogs. When one of her dogs died, she wanted to get another dog, which turned out to be Goose, to keep the one they still had company. He has not met a person or dog or cat that he hasn’t liked.
Best Friends is a weekly feature designed to highlight a local resident and his or her pets. To suggest someone for the series, contact Marissa Weiher, photographer, at photo@themonroetimes.com.
Describe Goose’ personality.
Oh my gosh. He is the center of attention and he knows it. He loves everybody. He’s enthusiastic about everything and he’s a good listener.
What do you and Goose like to do together?
Nap. Walk. We love to run around the house together because he’s crazy. Pretty much just walk and nap. He also likes to go to state parks. He loves to climb rocks.
What has it been like having Goose in your life?
It’s just the best thing. He’s so sweet. He’s not a licensed therapy dog but he really is my therapy dog. I don’t know what I’d do without him. It’s nice to come home and have him excited to see me.