MONROE — Woodford State Bank announces the appointment of two new directors — Mike Lambert and Keith Ritschard.
Lambert is the owner of M & D Truck and Equipment Sales in Monroe. He is a long-time Monroe resident, along with his wife and three children.
Keith Ritschard, a life -long Argyle resident, along with his wife Tina, own and operate RBS Activewear in Argyle.
Bank President Scott DeNure also announced the retirement of Ron Buholzer from the Bank Board of Directors after 14 years of service.
“Ron’s leadership and support has been invaluable during our bank’s growth and success,” DeNure said. “We are excited to add two experienced local business executives to our team.”
Woodford State Bank is a locally owned community bank with 278 shareholders. The bank has six offices serving Green and Lafayette counties, with them being in Monroe, South Wayne, Argyle, Blanchardville, New Glarus and Darlington.