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Welsh and Irish genealogical research

WISCONSIN/ILLINOIS — The BIGWILL (British Interest Group of Wisconsin and Illinois) will be holding a virtual meeting on Zoom from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. May 15. The guest speaker will be Dan Poffenberger. Dan, AG, is a Senior British and Irish Research Specialist for FamilySearch at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is accredited by ICAPGen in English research. He received a BA degree from Brigham Young University and has done professional research for 31 years. Dan has been a speaker at numerous conferences nationally and internationally. 

The schedule will include:

●  10 a.m.: BIGWILL general meeting

●  10:15 a.m.: “Key Online Resources for Welsh Research” and the important differences between Welsh and English research.

●  11:45-Noon: brief break

●  12 p.m.: “Intermediate Irish Research — Because there’s no such thing as Beginning Irish research”. Dan will cover basics and major issues of Irish research.

There will be a question-and-answer period after each session. Attendees may join their Zoom meeting for one or both sessions.

Check for Zoom meeting link.