MONROE - The nonpartisan volunteer citizens' group Green County United To Amend will be sponsoring a free public meeting from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Monroe Public Library second-floor meeting room.
Rick Brunton will share information on the resolution authorizing an advisory referendum in the April 5 primary election, regarding an amendment to the U.S. Constitution which asks voters the following questions: Are the rights protected by the Constitution the rights of natural persons only? And, shall the unlimited and undocumented money pouring into campaign financing to influence elections not be construed as free speech under the First Amendment?
Brunton has stated that the Constitution was written 225 years ago as a contract between "We the People" (who are free and sovereign) and the government (which is subordinate and accountable to its citizens) and was designed to limit the powers delegated to the government so it could perform public duties to protect private rights.
Brunton is a Toastmasters International speech contest winner.
There will be a respectful question and answer session following the presentation. The event is free, open to everyone, informational and not affiliated with any political party. Refreshments will be served.
Rick Brunton will share information on the resolution authorizing an advisory referendum in the April 5 primary election, regarding an amendment to the U.S. Constitution which asks voters the following questions: Are the rights protected by the Constitution the rights of natural persons only? And, shall the unlimited and undocumented money pouring into campaign financing to influence elections not be construed as free speech under the First Amendment?
Brunton has stated that the Constitution was written 225 years ago as a contract between "We the People" (who are free and sovereign) and the government (which is subordinate and accountable to its citizens) and was designed to limit the powers delegated to the government so it could perform public duties to protect private rights.
Brunton is a Toastmasters International speech contest winner.
There will be a respectful question and answer session following the presentation. The event is free, open to everyone, informational and not affiliated with any political party. Refreshments will be served.