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Reunions: June 18, 2011
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The Schwartzlow family reunion will be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, July 9 at the Jaycee Park, 5th Street and E. 6th Avenue, Brodhead. Attendees should bring a dish to pass and their own table service and beverage. Questions, contact Rita (Ringhand) Vickers at (608) 897-2082.

The Prien family reunion will be held June 26 at the Ed Gerner home, at the corner of Wisconsin 39 and County J, New Glarus. Attendees should bring a dish to pass and their own table service.

The Monroe High School class of 2001 will hold its 10-year reunion on Saturday, July 30, at Turner Hall, Monroe. For more details, contact Ericka Binkley at (608) 609-8886. RSVPs must be received by July 9.