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Race to read
parkside race to read
Front to back (L-R): Averi Arn, Ella Disch Second row: Cailie Bradt, Alejandro Perez, Kailyn Ringhand, Mason Zarling, Dylan Fiez Third row: Maya Eddy, Emily Czajkowski, Nathan Kundert Back: Blake Folgate, Kaylen Cassidy, Joah Wellman, Adison Kubly, Brianna Ziolkowski First place Blake Folgate and third place Nathan Kundert

Parkside’s fourth and fifth grade Race-to-Read team did an extraordinary job reading a multitude of Newberry Award books and answering comprehension questions about each of the novels. Parkside proudly had both the first and third place finishers in the entire District.

parkside race to read
Blake Folgate earned first place honors and Nathan Kundert third place. Blake and Nathan each received a gift card to Barnes and Nobel for their achievements.