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New Green County Development Corporation Executive Director tapped
Olivia Otte is the third director in less than a year
Olivia Otte

MONROE — The Green County Development Corporation has a new leader.

Olivia Otte recently joined GCDC as its new Executive Director, according to a news release from the organization. 

“In this role, Otte will serve as a key resource and advocate for economic development in Green County and lead GCDC initiatives,” said the release.

The organization focuses on general economic development, especially the nexus between private businesses and public groups. 

Before joining GCDC, Otte served as an Economic Development Consultant for the Nebraska Department of Economic Development, where she worked with towns and non-profit organizations to develop housing. And she also managed state and federal grant programs. 

Otte, just 22, graduated from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, earning a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and health Science.

“Her expertise and skills will greatly benefit our organization, our partners and our communities here in Green County,” said GCDC Board President Nikki Austin, in a statement. “We’re thrilled to have her on board.”

According to the GCDC release: “Otte enjoys sporting and outdoor activities in her free time. She also enjoys reading, and spending time with family and friends.”

Otte’s appointment follows the very short tenure of Emily Legel, the former director of the NW Economic Development Corp., which performs a similar role south of the state line. It is unclear why she left the post after starting in March.

The GCDC offices are in the courthouse in downtown Monroe.