Monroe Garden Club Tour Monroe Garden Club members Annette Jaggi, Pat Johnson, and Betty Haeft gear up for a sunny tour August 25. The Monroe Garden Club took a local tour of gardens August 25. At the first stop, owner of Highway 69 Hemp Farms, Rob Flannery, describes the labor intensive process required to raise hemp. He believes in the health benefits of its CBD oil for pets and people. The afternoon stop is at a family farm. Kingfisher Farm & Fermentation sells produce, sauerkraut and kimchi at Monroe and Madison farmer’s markets. Caleb Coccuri-Swift demonstrates paper chain transplanting which allows one person to plant a row of seedlings quickly. Eva Denny says the house and kitchen in the background was once a meat packing plant. She tells Grace Robertson and Annette Holmstrom that their Kingfisher 40 acre venture is cheaper than a two bedroom apartment in Madison. Empty Lot Purchased by City of Monroe, Cleaned Local banks collaborate to provide financing for Green County Family YMCA building project Foundation Being Laid at New MHS Celebrate College Savings Month with a $50 Bonus from the Edvest 529 College Savings Plan