WHITEWATER - Monroe Optimists clubs have lent a helping hand to an effort to bring an ambulance to Africa.
Optimists at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater helped spearhead the effort to get a used ambulance to Brukina Faso, a poor country in Western Africa. UW-Whitewater associate chemistry professor Hassimi Traore is from Brukina Faso, and as a boy saw a friend die after he was injured in a traffic accident and there was no transportation available to get him to a hospital three hours away.
Optimists in Whitewater have raised money to send the ambulance to Traore's homeland. The ambulance is due to be shipped from Baltimore, and volunteers from Whitewater will meet the vehicle and deliver it to Brukina Faso later this summer.
Monroe Morning Optimists donated cash and used computers and other equipment from the Monroe school district for the effort. Monroe Optimists likewise donated personal care items and financial support to the ambulance project.
Optimists at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater helped spearhead the effort to get a used ambulance to Brukina Faso, a poor country in Western Africa. UW-Whitewater associate chemistry professor Hassimi Traore is from Brukina Faso, and as a boy saw a friend die after he was injured in a traffic accident and there was no transportation available to get him to a hospital three hours away.
Optimists in Whitewater have raised money to send the ambulance to Traore's homeland. The ambulance is due to be shipped from Baltimore, and volunteers from Whitewater will meet the vehicle and deliver it to Brukina Faso later this summer.
Monroe Morning Optimists donated cash and used computers and other equipment from the Monroe school district for the effort. Monroe Optimists likewise donated personal care items and financial support to the ambulance project.