MONROE — The Monroe High School Fashion Club was started in 2018 by Isabella Zweifel, a student who had a vision. Janice Douglas, the club advisor and art teacher at Monroe High School, helped Zweifel make her vision become a reality.
“I did it to support a student. It was a student’s idea. It was her vision,” Douglas said.
Now the club has 15 active members — overall there are 21 members. The club’s Senior President is Anna Pollnow, Aleigh Zettle is Secretary, and Chesney Slotten is Junior President.
During their meetings, they discuss many topics, one of which is looking at Met Gala outfits playing Wear-or-Tear. Wear-or-Tear is played by looking at outfits and saying “Wear” if it’s a good outfit or “Tear” if it’s a bad outfit. Other activities that they do include services to the community. They help with Prom for Pennies by volunteering and doing photo shoots of some of the dresses. Another topic of discussion is Kristin’s Kloset.
“Kristin’s Kloset’s purpose is to give students who may not be able to afford clothing or people who need professional clothing. It’s really for anyone who needs any kind of clothing,” Slotten said.
The Kloset is named after Monroe High School’s late German teacher, Kristin Bansley. The Kloset is what used to be her office. This is among of the club’s favorite reasons to for being a part of the fashion club.
“And the clothing closet is in her old office, and that makes it really special too because she would have loved that. And her office was just sitting empty, so we wanted to fill it with something positive,” Douglas said. “We’re trying to make it accessible to everyone. So that anyone can feel comfortable going in there.”
It has become the club’s biggest project. It was started by last year’s fashion club group to provide clothing for fellow students. The Fashion Club plans to have Kristin’s Kloset open soon. The Closet provides both clothes and personal care items. It is located in the high school at the back of the library by the tech office.
“Kristin’s Closet is a fun experience, and fulfilling experience,” Slotten said.
The students have gotten all of the clothes from fundraising, taking donations and having clothing drives.
“Its students supporting students as well as the community supporting our high school due to them bringing in clothing,” Pollnow said.