DARLINGTON — The Lafayette County Genealogy Society Research Center is normally open on the second Thursday of the month, but the winter schedule, which lasts from Nov. 15 to March 11, is by appointment only. For an appointment, contact William Holland at 608-325-2990 or Susie Hillison at familytreelines@tds.net.
The Lafayette County Genealogy Society Board of Directors has decided to change the membership year from fiscal year — April 1 to March 31 — to the calendar year — Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 — effective immediately. New and renewal memberships of $15 can be sent to the Lafayette County Genealogy Society, 309 Main St., Darlington. The annual membership meeting will be held at 1 p.m. Sunday, March 29 with Lori Bessler from the Wisconsin Historical Society speaking on “Family History Projects” at Darlington’s Town Bank meeting room, 15815 Wisconsin 81. The program will also help with family reunion ideas. Family reunion information is in the LCGS newsletters for spring, summer and fall.