Desie and Tara Breadon, New Glarus, are the parents of a daughter, Mia Vivian, born Sept. 21, 2011, at Meriter Hospital, Madison. Grandparents are Dr. George and Gabrielle Breadon, Monroe, and Terry and Barbara Berget, South Wayne.
Tessa (Richardson) and Tim Fortescue, Hayward, Calif., are the parents of a son, Kaiyan Lee, born Sept. 6, 2011. He weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces and was 22 inches long. Grandparents are Mary Richardson, Monroe, and Brad and Terry Richardson, Monroe.
Tessa (Richardson) and Tim Fortescue, Hayward, Calif., are the parents of a son, Kaiyan Lee, born Sept. 6, 2011. He weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces and was 22 inches long. Grandparents are Mary Richardson, Monroe, and Brad and Terry Richardson, Monroe.