Jay and Amy Schwartz, Darlington, are the parents of a daughter, Amya Judith Schwartz, born Sunday, Oct.18, 2010 in Memorial Hospital of Lafayette County. Amya joins a sister, 5. Grandparents are Billy and Judy Stietz, Gratiot; Danny and Beth Prine, Darlington; and Mike and Kris Schwartz, Oregon. Great-grandparents are Charlie and Marion Thomas, Darlington, Louise Schwartz, Darlington; and Juanita Prine, Darlington.
Ashly Leighty, Browntown, and Kris Shore, Freeport, are parents of a daughter, Raelynn Alexis Rose Yaeger, born Wednesday, Oct., 20, 2010, at Monroe Clinic. Grandparents are Greg and Sherri Johnsrud, Browntown; and Mike and Mary Shore, Freeport. Great-grandparents are Robert and Alice Yeager; and Cliff and Shirley Shore, Davenport. Andrew Hellpap 10/27/10
Scott and Lynnette Boatman are the parents of a son, Tanner Charles Boatman, born Oct. 21, 2010 in the Monroe Clinic, Monroe. He joins a brother Jackson, 4. The grandparents are Bob and Ellen Boatman, Darlington, and Marcel and Janice Meinholz, Waunakee/Ashton. The great-grandparents are Edith Vickers, Darlington, and Gloria Boatman, Darlington.
Ashly Leighty, Browntown, and Kris Shore, Freeport, are parents of a daughter, Raelynn Alexis Rose Yaeger, born Wednesday, Oct., 20, 2010, at Monroe Clinic. Grandparents are Greg and Sherri Johnsrud, Browntown; and Mike and Mary Shore, Freeport. Great-grandparents are Robert and Alice Yeager; and Cliff and Shirley Shore, Davenport. Andrew Hellpap 10/27/10
Scott and Lynnette Boatman are the parents of a son, Tanner Charles Boatman, born Oct. 21, 2010 in the Monroe Clinic, Monroe. He joins a brother Jackson, 4. The grandparents are Bob and Ellen Boatman, Darlington, and Marcel and Janice Meinholz, Waunakee/Ashton. The great-grandparents are Edith Vickers, Darlington, and Gloria Boatman, Darlington.