NEW GLARUS - Registration is due July 1 for the eighth annual Pedal for Paws fundraiser to be held July 11 beginning at the New Glarus Railroad Depot, 418 Railroad St., New Glarus. Registration fees before July 1 are $25 for individuals (includes T-shirt), $50 for family (includes two T-shirts). Children age 15 and older must register as individuals.
After July 1, registration fees are $35 individuals (includes T-shirt) and $60 family (includes two T-shirts).
Registration will be open from 7 to 10 a.m. July 11. Additional T-shirts will be available for $8. There will be food and beverages at rest stops along the routes and at the end of the ride.
Four routes are available: two challenging routes of 30 miles each with many hills; one moderate route with few hills, 15 miles; and one flat 12-mile route along Sugar River Trail, a crushed limestone path. Join in the after ride party at Toffler's, 200 5th Ave., New Glarus.
Helmets are required for this ride. For more information or to register, check or e-mail:
Return entry forms to: Pedal for Paws, c/o Green County Humane Society, P.O. Box 54, 1500 6th St., Monroe, WI 53566; call 325-9600 or fax 325-9608. This event will be held rain or shine.
After July 1, registration fees are $35 individuals (includes T-shirt) and $60 family (includes two T-shirts).
Registration will be open from 7 to 10 a.m. July 11. Additional T-shirts will be available for $8. There will be food and beverages at rest stops along the routes and at the end of the ride.
Four routes are available: two challenging routes of 30 miles each with many hills; one moderate route with few hills, 15 miles; and one flat 12-mile route along Sugar River Trail, a crushed limestone path. Join in the after ride party at Toffler's, 200 5th Ave., New Glarus.
Helmets are required for this ride. For more information or to register, check or e-mail:
Return entry forms to: Pedal for Paws, c/o Green County Humane Society, P.O. Box 54, 1500 6th St., Monroe, WI 53566; call 325-9600 or fax 325-9608. This event will be held rain or shine.