DARLINGTON - The Darlington Garden Club will meet at 7 p.m. Oct. 15 in the community room of Town Bank in Darlington.
Speaking will be Mary Zimmerman, an environmentalist who is involved with counting the population of Blanchard's frogs to help the Department of Natural Resources learn about the health of a wetland area. She will share information about other environmental projects in which she is involved. The program is open to the public.
Kristine Haas is the hostess for the evening and Judy Swanson arranged for the program.
Speaking will be Mary Zimmerman, an environmentalist who is involved with counting the population of Blanchard's frogs to help the Department of Natural Resources learn about the health of a wetland area. She will share information about other environmental projects in which she is involved. The program is open to the public.
Kristine Haas is the hostess for the evening and Judy Swanson arranged for the program.