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Friends of NG Library find success in Giving Tuesday event
ng library fundraiser
Money raised during the Friends of New Glarus Public Library’s Giving Tuesday Event will go towards the young adults section of the new library building. This pre-pandemic photo shows how busy the section could be at times.

NEW GLARUS — The Friends of the New Glarus Library have had a successful Giving Tuesday on our first participation of this event. As we had announced previously, our objective was to help furnish the young adults section of the new library building. While we didn’t get enough to completely fund this section, with all our friends’ participation to our first online venture, we made a significant contribution to this area. The site remains open to anyone who wants to add a contribution at

The Friends are using a small portion of this, $1500, towards the programs of the 2021 year at the library. In addition, the Friends decided to contribute from our existing funds to completely fund the programs for next year, an especially challenging year for the library. So, in all, the Giving Tuesday was able to give $7805 towards the young adult area and $1500 towards the Programs budget from the money raised.

The picture gives an idea how active the small space in the present library has been in the past. “We so miss having people in and looking forward to having a new space in our new library,” Holly Lague, head librarian, said.