MADISON - The Wisconsin FFA Foundation has accepted Tom Bressner to its board of directors. Bressner currently serves as the executive director for the Wiscon-sin Agri-Business Association. He also is the president of the Wisconsin Transportation Development Association and co-director of the Wisconsin Agribusiness Classic Convention and Trade Show. He serves on the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Freight Advisory Council, Department of Natural Resources Invasive Species Council, University of Wisconsin-Discovery Farms Project Steering Committee, Fox Valley Technical College Agriculture Advisory Council and the Wisconsin Corn Promotion Board. Bressner grew up on a Guernsey dairy and grain farm in Pontiac, Illinois. He was very active in FFA in his youth, earning the Section 9 Star State Farmer award, serving as an Illinois FFA state vice president and participating on a state-winning dairy judging team.
He also has served on the following Wisconsin FFA selection committees: state officer candidate, national officer candidate and foundation scholarship awards.
He also has served on the following Wisconsin FFA selection committees: state officer candidate, national officer candidate and foundation scholarship awards.